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Category — Active Directory
Wherever There's Ransomware, There's Service Account Compromise. Are You Protected?

Wherever There's Ransomware, There's Service Account Compromise. Are You Protected?

Sep 19, 2024 Network Security / Active Directory
Until just a couple of years ago, only a handful of IAM pros knew what service accounts are. In the last years, these silent Non-Human-Identities (NHI) accounts have become one of the most targeted and compromised attack surfaces . Assessments report that compromised service accounts play a key role in lateral movement in over 70% of ransomware attacks. However, there's an alarming disproportion between service accounts' compromise exposure and potential impact, and the available security measures to mitigate this risk.  In this article, we explore what makes service accounts such a lucrative target, why they are beyond the scope of most security control, and how the new approach of unified identity security can prevent service accounts from compromise and abuse .  Active Directory Service accounts 101: Non-human identities used for M2M In an Active Directory (AD) environment , service accounts are user accounts that are not associated with human beings but are used for machine-to-
Breaking Down AD CS Vulnerabilities: Insights for InfoSec Professionals

Breaking Down AD CS Vulnerabilities: Insights for InfoSec Professionals

Aug 30, 2024 Vulnerability / Network Security
The most dangerous vulnerability you've never heard of. In the world of cybersecurity, vulnerabilities are discovered so often, and at such a high rate, that it can be very difficult to keep up with. Some vulnerabilities will start ringing alarm bells within your security tooling, while others are far more nuanced, but still pose an equally dangerous threat. Today, we want to discuss one of these more nuanced vulnerabilities as it is likely lurking in your environment waiting to be exploited: Active Directory Certificate Services vulnerabilities.  vPenTest by Vonahi Security recently implemented an attack vector specifically designed to identify and mitigate these hidden AD CS threats. But first, let's explore why AD CS vulnerabilities are so dangerous and how they work. What is Active Directory Certificate Services? Active Directory Certificate Services ("AD CS"), as defined by Microsoft is, "a Windows Server role for issuing and managing public key infrastructure (PKI) certific
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
How to Augment Your Password Security with EASM

How to Augment Your Password Security with EASM

Aug 14, 2024 Password Security / Cyber Security
Simply relying on traditional password security measures is no longer sufficient. When it comes to protecting your organization from credential-based attacks, it is essential to lock down the basics first. Securing your Active Directory should be a priority – it is like making sure a house has a locked front door before investing in a high-end alarm system. Once the fundamentals are covered, look at how integrating external attack surface management (EASM) can significantly augment your password security, offering a robust shield against potential cyber threats and breaches.  First Secure Your Active Directory IT administrators should not just adhere to the minimum password policy standards by including complexity mandates. To enhance Active Directory security, they should enforce a policy that prohibits users from generating feeble passwords and incorporate a tool to detect and block the use of compromised passwords. passwords and adding a solution that can check for the use of co
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
Prevent Account Takeover with Better Password Security

Prevent Account Takeover with Better Password Security

Jun 06, 2024 Password Security / Dark Web
Tom works for a reputable financial institution. He has a long, complex password that would be near-impossible to guess. He's memorized it by heart, so he started using it for his social media accounts and on his personal devices too. Unbeknownst to Tom, one of these sites has had its password database compromised by hackers and put it up for sale on the dark web. Now threat actors are working hard to link these leaked credentials back to real-life individuals and their places of work. Before long, a threat actor will use Tom's legitimate email account to send a spear-phishing link to his CEO. This is a common account takeover scenario where malicious attackers gain unauthorized access to the organization's systems, putting critical information and operations at risk. It usually starts with compromised credentials. We'll run through why account takeover is so hard to stop once it starts and why strong password security is the best prevention.  Why are account takeover attacks so
Windows 11 to Deprecate NTLM, Add AI-Powered App Controls and Security Defenses

Windows 11 to Deprecate NTLM, Add AI-Powered App Controls and Security Defenses

May 21, 2024 Windows 11 Security
 Microsoft on Monday confirmed its plans to deprecate NT LAN Manager (NTLM) in Windows 11 in the second half of the year, as it announced a slew of new security measures to harden the widely-used desktop operating system. "Deprecating NTLM has been a huge ask from our security community as it will strengthen user authentication, and deprecation is planned in the second half of 2024," the tech giant  said . The Windows maker  originally announced  its decision to drop NTLM in favor of Kerberos for authentication in October 2023. NTLM's lack of support for cryptographic methods such as AES or SHA-256 notwithstanding, the protocol has also been rendered susceptible to relay attacks, a technique that has been widely exploited by the Russia-linked  APT28 actor  via zero-day flaws in Microsoft Outlook. Other changes coming to Windows 11 include enabling  Local Security Authority (LSA) protection  by default for new consumer devices and the use of virtualization-based secur
New XM Cyber Research: 80% of Exposures from Misconfigurations, Less Than 1% from CVEs

New XM Cyber Research: 80% of Exposures from Misconfigurations, Less Than 1% from CVEs

May 17, 2024 Cyber Hygiene / Attack Surface
A new report from XM Cyber has found – among other insights - a  dramatic  gap between where most organizations focus their security efforts, and where the most serious threats actually reside. The new report, Navigating the Paths of Risk: The State of Exposure Management in 2024, is based on hundreds of thousands of attack path assessments conducted by the  XM Cyber platform  during 2023. These assessments uncovered over 40 million exposures that affected millions of business-critical assets. Anonymized data regarding these exposures was then provided to the Cyentia Institute for independent analysis. To read the full report,  check it out here . Download the report to discover: Key findings on the types of exposures putting organizations at greatest risk of breach. The state of attack paths between on-prem and cloud networks. Top attack techniques seen in 2023. How to focus on what matters most, and remediate high-impact exposure risks to your critical assets. The
Timing is Everything: The Role of Just-in-Time Privileged Access in Security Evolution

Timing is Everything: The Role of Just-in-Time Privileged Access in Security Evolution

Apr 15, 2024 Active Directory / Attack Surface
To minimize the risk of privilege misuse, a trend in the privileged access management (PAM) solution market involves implementing just-in-time (JIT) privileged access. This approach to  privileged identity management  aims to mitigate the risks associated with prolonged high-level access by granting privileges temporarily and only when necessary, rather than providing users with continuous high-level privileges. By adopting this strategy, organizations can enhance security, minimize the window of opportunity for potential attackers and ensure that users access privileged resources only when necessary.  What is JIT and why is it important?   JIT privileged access provisioning  involves granting privileged access to users on a temporary basis, aligning with the concept of least privilege. This principle provides users with only the minimum level of access required to perform their tasks, and only for the amount of time required to do so. One of the key advantages of JIT provisioning
U.S. Cyber Safety Board Slams Microsoft Over Breach by China-Based Hackers

U.S. Cyber Safety Board Slams Microsoft Over Breach by China-Based Hackers

Apr 03, 2024 Data Breach / Incident Response
The U.S. Cyber Safety Review Board ( CSRB ) has criticized Microsoft for a series of security lapses that led to the breach of nearly two dozen companies across Europe and the U.S. by a China-based nation-state group called Storm-0558 last year. The findings, released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Tuesday, found that the intrusion was preventable, and that it became successful due to a "cascade of Microsoft's avoidable errors." "It identified a series of Microsoft operational and strategic decisions that collectively pointed to a corporate culture that deprioritized enterprise security investments and rigorous risk management, at odds with the company's centrality in the technology ecosystem and the level of trust customers place in the company to protect their data and operations," the DHS  said  in a statement. The CSRB also lambasted the tech titan for failing to detect the compromise on its own, instead relying on a customer to reac
New Silver SAML Attack Evades Golden SAML Defenses in Identity Systems

New Silver SAML Attack Evades Golden SAML Defenses in Identity Systems

Feb 29, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Cyber Threat
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed a new attack technique called  Silver SAML  that can be successful even in cases where mitigations have been applied against Golden SAML attacks. Silver SAML "enables the exploitation of SAML to launch attacks from an identity provider like Entra ID against applications configured to use it for authentication, such as Salesforce," Semperis researchers Tomer Nahum and Eric Woodruff  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. Golden SAML (short for  Security Assertion Markup Language ) was  first documented  by CyberArk in 2017. The attack vector, in a nutshell, entails the abuse of the interoperable authentication standard to impersonate almost any identity in an organization. It's also similar to the  Golden Ticket attack  in that it grants attackers the ability to gain unauthorized access to any service in a federation with any privileges and to stay persistent in this environment in a stealthy manner. "Golden SAML introduces to a fed
Microsoft Expands Free Logging Capabilities for all U.S. Federal Agencies

Microsoft Expands Free Logging Capabilities for all U.S. Federal Agencies

Feb 24, 2024 Active Directory / Data Protection
Microsoft has expanded free logging capabilities to all U.S. federal agencies using Microsoft Purview Audit irrespective of the license tier, more than six months after a China-linked cyber espionage campaign targeting two dozen organizations came to light. "Microsoft will automatically enable the logs in customer accounts and increase the default log retention period from 90 days to 180 days," the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)  said . "Also, this data will provide new telemetry to help more federal agencies meet logging requirements mandated by [Office of Management and Budget]  Memorandum M-21-31 ." Microsoft, in July 2023,  disclosed  that a China-based nation-state activity group known as Storm-0558 gained unauthorized access to approximately 25 entities in the U.S. and Europe as well as a small number of related individual consumer accounts. "Storm-0558 operates with a high degree of technical tradecraft and operational
VMware Alert: Uninstall EAP Now - Critical Flaw Puts Active Directory at Risk

VMware Alert: Uninstall EAP Now - Critical Flaw Puts Active Directory at Risk

Feb 21, 2024 Active Directory / Vulnerability
VMware is urging users to uninstall the deprecated Enhanced Authentication Plugin (EAP) following the discovery of a critical security flaw. Tracked as  CVE-2024-22245  (CVSS score: 9.6), the vulnerability has been described as an arbitrary authentication relay bug. "A malicious actor could trick a target domain user with EAP installed in their web browser into requesting and relaying service tickets for arbitrary Active Directory Service Principal Names (SPNs)," the company  said  in an advisory. EAP,  deprecated as of March 2021 , is a software package that's designed to allow direct login to vSphere's management interfaces and tools through a web browser. It's not included by default and is not part of vCenter Server, ESXi, or Cloud Foundation. Also discovered in the same tool is a session hijack flaw (CVE-2024-22250, CVSS score: 7.8) that could permit a malicious actor with unprivileged local access to a Windows operating system to seize a privileged EAP
Malicious 'SNS Sender' Script Abuses AWS for Bulk Smishing Attacks

Malicious 'SNS Sender' Script Abuses AWS for Bulk Smishing Attacks

Feb 16, 2024 Cyber Threat / Cloud Security
A malicious Python script known as  SNS Sender  is being advertised as a way for threat actors to send bulk smishing messages by abusing Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Notification Service ( SNS ). The SMS phishing messages are designed to propagate malicious links that are designed to capture victims' personally identifiable information (PII) and payment card details, SentinelOne  said  in a new report, attributing it to a threat actor named ARDUINO_DAS. "The smishing scams often take the guise of a message from the United States Postal Service (USPS) regarding a missed package delivery," security researcher Alex Delamotte said. SNS Sender is also the first tool observed in the wild that leverages AWS SNS to conduct SMS spamming attacks. SentinelOne said that it identified links between ARDUINO_DAS and more than 150 phishing kits offered for sale. The malware requires a list of phishing links stored in a file named links.txt in its working directory, in addition t
U.S. State Government Network Breached via Former Employee's Account

U.S. State Government Network Breached via Former Employee's Account

Feb 16, 2024 Cybersecurity / Data Breach
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has revealed that an unnamed state government organization's network environment was compromised via an administrator account belonging to a former employee. "This allowed the threat actor to successfully authenticate to an internal virtual private network (VPN) access point," the agency  said  in a joint advisory published Thursday alongside the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC). "The threat actor connected to the [virtual machine] through the victim's VPN with the intent to blend in with legitimate traffic to evade detection." It's suspected that the threat actor obtained the credentials following a separate data breach owing to the fact that the credentials appeared in publicly available channels containing leaked account information. The admin account, which had access to a virtualized SharePoint server, also enabled the attackers to access another set
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