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Category — Advanced Persistent Threat
APT41 Infiltrates Networks in Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and the U.K.

APT41 Infiltrates Networks in Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and the U.K.

Jul 19, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
Several organizations operating within global shipping and logistics, media and entertainment, technology, and automotive sectors in Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the U.K. have become the target of a "sustained campaign" by the prolific China-based APT41 hacking group. "APT41 successfully infiltrated and maintained prolonged, unauthorized access to numerous victims' networks since 2023, enabling them to extract sensitive data over an extended period," Google-owned Mandiant said in a new report published Thursday. The threat intelligence firm described the adversarial collective as unique among China-nexus actors owing to its use of "non-public malware typically reserved for espionage operations in activities that appear to fall outside the scope of state-sponsored missions." Attack chains involve the use of web shells (ANTSWORD and BLUEBEAM), custom droppers (DUSTPAN and DUSTTRAP), and publicly available tools (SQLULDR2 and PINEGROV
North Korean Hackers Update BeaverTail Malware to Target MacOS Users

North Korean Hackers Update BeaverTail Malware to Target MacOS Users

Jul 17, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Cryptocurrency
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an updated variant of a known stealer malware that attackers affiliated with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have delivered as part of prior cyber espionage campaigns targeting job seekers. The artifact in question is an Apple macOS disk image (DMG) file named "MiroTalk.dmg" that mimics the legitimate video call service of the same name, but, in reality, serves as a conduit to deliver a native version of BeaverTail, security researcher Patrick Wardle said . BeaverTail refers to a JavaScript stealer malware that was first documented by Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 in November 2023 as part of a campaign dubbed Contagious Interview that aims to infect software developers with malware through a supposed job interview process. Securonix is tracking the same activity under the moniker DEV#POPPER . Besides siphoning sensitive information from web browsers and crypto wallets, the malware is capable of delivering addi
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
China-linked APT17 Targets Italian Companies with 9002 RAT Malware

China-linked APT17 Targets Italian Companies with 9002 RAT Malware

Jul 17, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
A China-linked threat actor called APT17 has been observed targeting Italian companies and government entities using a variant of a known malware referred to as 9002 RAT. The two targeted attacks took place on June 24 and July 2, 2024, Italian cybersecurity company TG Soft said in an analysis published last week. "The first campaign on June 24, 2024 used an Office document, while the second campaign contained a link," the company noted . "Both campaigns invited the victim to install a Skype for Business package from a link of an Italian government-like domain to convey a variant of 9002 RAT." APT17 was first documented by Google-owned Mandiant (then FireEye) in 2013 as part of cyber espionage operations called DeputyDog and Ephemeral Hydra that leveraged zero-day flaws in Microsoft's Internet Explorer to breach targets of interest. It's also known by the monikers Aurora Panda, Bronze Keystone, Dogfish, Elderwood, Helium, Hidden Lynx, and TEMP.Avenge
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Void Banshee APT Exploits Microsoft MHTML Flaw to Spread Atlantida Stealer

Void Banshee APT Exploits Microsoft MHTML Flaw to Spread Atlantida Stealer

Jul 16, 2024 Data Security / Vulnerability
An advanced persistent threat (APT) group called Void Banshee has been observed exploiting a recently disclosed security flaw in the Microsoft MHTML browser engine as a zero-day to deliver an information stealer called Atlantida . Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro, which observed the activity in mid-May 2024, said the vulnerability – tracked as CVE-2024-38112 – was used as part of a multi-stage attack chain using specially crafted internet shortcut (URL) files. "Variations of the Atlantida campaign have been highly active throughout 2024 and have evolved to use CVE-2024-38112 as part of Void Banshee infection chains," security researchers Peter Girnus and Aliakbar Zahravi said . "The ability of APT groups like Void Banshee to exploit disabled services such as [Internet Explorer] poses a significant threat to organizations worldwide." The findings dovetail with prior disclosures from Check Point, which told The Hacker News of a campaign leveraging the same shortc
Chinese APT41 Upgrades Malware Arsenal with DodgeBox and MoonWalk

Chinese APT41 Upgrades Malware Arsenal with DodgeBox and MoonWalk

Jul 11, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Network Security
The China-linked advanced persistent threat (APT) group codenamed APT41 is suspected to be using an "advanced and upgraded version" of a known malware called StealthVector to deliver a previously undocumented backdoor dubbed MoonWalk. The new variant of StealthVector – which is also referred to as DUSTPAN – has been designated DodgeBox by Zscaler ThreatLabz, which discovered the loader strain in April 2024. "DodgeBox is a loader that proceeds to load a new backdoor named MoonWalk," security researchers Yin Hong Chang and Sudeep Singh said . "MoonWalk shares many evasion techniques implemented in DodgeBox and utilizes Google Drive for command-and-control (C2) communication." APT41 is the moniker assigned to a prolific state-sponsored threat actor affiliated with China that's known to be active since at least 2007. It's also tracked by the broader cybersecurity community under the names Axiom, Blackfly, Brass Typhoon (formerly Barium), Bronze Atl
Cybersecurity Agencies Warn of China-linked APT40's Rapid Exploit Adaptation

Cybersecurity Agencies Warn of China-linked APT40's Rapid Exploit Adaptation

Jul 09, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
Cybersecurity agencies from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, the U.K., and the U.S. have released a joint advisory about a China-linked cyber espionage group called APT40 , warning about its ability to co-opt exploits for newly disclosed security flaws within hours or days of public release. "APT40 has previously targeted organizations in various countries, including Australia and the United States," the agencies said . "Notably, APT40 possesses the ability to quickly transform and adapt vulnerability proofs-of-concept (PoCs) for targeting, reconnaissance, and exploitation operations." The adversarial collective, also known as Bronze Mohawk, Gingham Typhoon (formerly Gadolinium), ISLANDDREAMS, Kryptonite Panda, Leviathan, Red Ladon, TA423, and TEMP.Periscope, is known to be active since at least 2011 , carrying out cyber attacks targeting entities in the Asia-Pacific region. It's assessed to be based in Haikou. In July 2021, the
New APT Group "CloudSorcerer" Targets Russian Government Entities

New APT Group "CloudSorcerer" Targets Russian Government Entities

Jul 08, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Cloud Security
A previously undocumented advanced persistent threat (APT) group dubbed CloudSorcerer has been observed targeting Russian government entities by leveraging cloud services for command-and-control (C2) and data exfiltration. Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which discovered the activity in May 2024, said the tradecraft adopted by the threat actor bears similarities with that of CloudWizard , but pointed out the differences in the malware source code. The attacks wield an innovative data-gathering program and a slew of evasion tactics for covering its tracks. "It's a sophisticated cyber espionage tool used for stealth monitoring, data collection, and exfiltration via Microsoft Graph, Yandex Cloud, and Dropbox cloud infrastructure," the Russian security vendor said . "The malware leverages cloud resources as its command and control (C2) servers, accessing them through APIs using authentication tokens. Additionally, CloudSorcerer uses GitHub as its initial C2 server.&q
Israeli Entities Targeted by Cyberattack Using Donut and Sliver Frameworks

Israeli Entities Targeted by Cyberattack Using Donut and Sliver Frameworks

Jul 03, 2024 Cyber Attack / Malware
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an attack campaign that targets various Israeli entities with publicly-available frameworks like Donut and Sliver. The campaign, believed to be highly targeted in nature, "leverage target-specific infrastructure and custom WordPress websites as a payload delivery mechanism, but affect a variety of entities across unrelated verticals, and rely on well-known open-source malware," HarfangLab said in a report last week. The French company is tracking the activity under the name Supposed Grasshopper. It's a reference to an attacker-controlled server ("auth.economy-gov-il[.]com/SUPPOSED_GRASSHOPPER.bin"), to which a first-stage downloader connects to. This downloader, written in Nim, is rudimentary and is tasked with downloading the second-stage malware from the staging server. It's delivered by means of a virtual hard disk (VHD) file that's suspected to be propagated via custom WordPress sites as part of a drive-
Chinese Hackers Deploy SpiceRAT and SugarGh0st in Global Espionage Campaign

Chinese Hackers Deploy SpiceRAT and SugarGh0st in Global Espionage Campaign

Jun 21, 2024 Malware / Threat Intelligence
A previously undocumented Chinese-speaking threat actor codenamed SneakyChef has been linked to an espionage campaign primarily targeting government entities across Asia and EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) with SugarGh0st malware since at least August 2023. "SneakyChef uses lures that are scanned documents of government agencies, most of which are related to various countries' Ministries of Foreign Affairs or embassies," Cisco Talos researchers Chetan Raghuprasad and Ashley Shen said in an analysis published today. Activities related to the hacking crew were first highlighted by the cybersecurity company in late November 2023 in connection with an attack campaign that singled out South Korea and Uzbekistan with a custom variant of Gh0st RAT called SugarGh0st . A subsequent analysis from Proofpoint last month uncovered the use of SugarGh0st RAT against U.S. organizations involved in artificial intelligence efforts, including those in academia, private indust
China-Linked Hackers Infiltrate East Asian Firm for 3 Years Using F5 Devices

China-Linked Hackers Infiltrate East Asian Firm for 3 Years Using F5 Devices

Jun 17, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Vulnerability
A suspected China-nexus cyber espionage actor has been attributed as behind a prolonged attack against an unnamed organization located in East Asia for a period of about three years, with the adversary establishing persistence using legacy F5 BIG-IP appliances and using it as an internal command-and-control (C&C) for defense evasion purposes. Cybersecurity company Sygnia, which responded to the intrusion in late 2023, is tracking the activity under the name Velvet Ant , characterizing it as possessing robust capabilities to swiftly pivot and adapt their tactics to counter repeated eradication efforts. "Velvet Ant is a sophisticated and innovative threat actor," the Israeli company said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. "They collected sensitive information over a long period of time, focusing on customer and financial information." The attack chains involve the use of a known backdoor called PlugX (aka Korplug), a modular remote access tr
Chinese State-Backed Cyber Espionage Targets Southeast Asian Government

Chinese State-Backed Cyber Espionage Targets Southeast Asian Government

Jun 05, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
An unnamed high-profile government organization in Southeast Asia emerged as the target of a "complex, long-running" Chinese state-sponsored cyber espionage operation codenamed Crimson Palace . "The overall goal behind the campaign was to maintain access to the target network for cyberespionage in support of Chinese state interests," Sophos researchers Paul Jaramillo, Morgan Demboski, Sean Gallagher, and Mark Parsons said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "This includes accessing critical IT systems, performing reconnaissance of specific users, collecting sensitive military and technical information, and deploying various malware implants for command-and-control (C2) communications." The name of the government organization was not disclosed, but the company said the country is known to have repeated conflict with China over territory in the South China Sea , raising the possibility that it may be the Philippines, which has been targeted by Chi
Beyond Threat Detection – A Race to Digital Security

Beyond Threat Detection – A Race to Digital Security

May 31, 2024 Threat Detection / Endpoint Security
Digital content is a double-edged sword, providing vast benefits while simultaneously posing significant threats to organizations across the globe. The sharing of digital content has increased significantly in recent years, mainly via email, digital documents, and chat. In turn, this has created an expansive attack surface and has made 'digital content' the preferred carrier for cybercriminals and nation-state threat actors. Digital content is the easy way in for attackers, whether it be to launch sophisticated attacks, malware distribution and phishing or ransomware attacks.  Governments and highly regulated industries are particularly vulnerable due to the notoriety attackers can receive and the "prize" or impact that can come in compromising their networks. For Governments and defense agencies, this could mean losing access to sensitive and classified information. For critical infrastructure and highly regulated industries that could mean disruption to services or physical damage.
Russian Hackers Target Europe with HeadLace Malware and Credential Harvesting

Russian Hackers Target Europe with HeadLace Malware and Credential Harvesting

May 31, 2024 Cyber Attack / Credential Harvesting
The Russian GRU-backed threat actor APT28 has been attributed as behind a series of campaigns targeting networks across Europe with the HeadLace malware and credential-harvesting web pages. APT28, also known by the names BlueDelta, Fancy Bear, Forest Blizzard, FROZENLAKE, Iron Twilight, ITG05, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Sofacy, and TA422, is an advanced persistent threat (APT) group affiliated with Russia's strategic military intelligence unit, the GRU. The hacking crew operates with a high level of stealth and sophistication, often demonstrating their adaptability through deep preparedness and custom tooling, and relying on legitimate internet services (LIS) and living off-the-land binaries (LOLBins) to conceal their operations within regular network traffic. "From April to December 2023, BlueDelta deployed Headlace malware in three distinct phases using geofencing techniques to target networks throughout Europe with a heavy focus on Ukraine," Recorded Future's Insikt
Stealthy BLOODALCHEMY Malware Targeting ASEAN Government Networks

Stealthy BLOODALCHEMY Malware Targeting ASEAN Government Networks

May 24, 2024 APT Malware / Cyber Espionage
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered that the malware known as  BLOODALCHEMY  used in attacks targeting government organizations in Southern and Southeastern Asia is in fact an updated version of Deed RAT, which is believed to be a successor to ShadowPad. "The origin of BLOODALCHEMY and Deed RAT is ShadowPad and given the history of ShadowPad being utilized in numerous APT campaigns, it is crucial to pay special attention to the usage trend of this malware," Japanese company ITOCHU Cyber & Intelligence  said . BLOODALCHEMY was  first documented  by Elastic Security Labs in October 2023 in connection with a campaign mounted by an intrusion set it tracks as REF5961 targeting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. A barebones x86 backdoor written in C, it's injected into a signed benign process ("BrDifxapi.exe") using a technique called DLL side-loading, and is capable of overwriting the toolset, gathering host information, load
China-Linked Hackers Adopt Two-Stage Infection Tactic to Deploy Deuterbear RAT

China-Linked Hackers Adopt Two-Stage Infection Tactic to Deploy Deuterbear RAT

May 17, 2024 Malware / Artificial Intelligence
Cybersecurity researchers have shed more light on a remote access trojan (RAT) known as Deuterbear used by the China-linked  BlackTech  hacking group as part of a cyber espionage campaign targeting the Asia-Pacific region this year. "Deuterbear, while similar to Waterbear in many ways, shows advancements in capabilities such as including support for shellcode plugins, avoiding handshakes for RAT operation, and using HTTPS for C&C communication," Trend Micro researchers Pierre Lee and Cyris Tseng  said  in a new analysis. "Comparing the two malware variants, Deuterbear uses a shellcode format, possesses anti-memory scanning, and shares a traffic key with its downloader unlike Waterbear." BlackTech , active since at least 2007, is also tracked by the broader cybersecurity community under the monikers Circuit Panda, Earth Hundun, HUAPI, Manga Taurus, Palmerworm, Red Djinn, and Temp.Overboard. Cyber attacks orchestrated by the group have long involved the depl
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