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Category — Android
Google Patches New Android Kernel Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

Google Patches New Android Kernel Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

Aug 06, 2024 Mobile Security / Vulnerability
Google has addressed a high-severity security flaw impacting the Android kernel that it said has been actively exploited in the wild. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-36971, has been described as a case of remote code execution impacting the kernel. "There are indications that CVE-2024-36971 may be under limited, targeted exploitation," the tech giant noted in its monthly Android security bulletin for August 2024. As is typically the case, the company did not share any additional specifics on the nature of the cyber attacks exploiting the flaw or attribute the activity to a particular threat actor or group. Google's own Pixel line is also impacted by the bug, according to its Pixel update bulletin . That said, Clement Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has been credited with reporting the flaw, suggesting that it's likely being exploited by commercial spyware vendors to infiltrate Android devices in narrowly targeted attacks. The Augus
New Android Trojan "BlankBot" Targets Turkish Users' Financial Data

New Android Trojan "BlankBot" Targets Turkish Users' Financial Data

Aug 05, 2024 Mobile Security / Financial Security
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new Android banking trojan called BlankBot targeting Turkish users with an aim to steal financial information. "BlankBot features a range of malicious capabilities, which include customer injections, keylogging, screen recording and it communicates with a control server over a WebSocket connection," Intel 471 said in an analysis published last week. Discovered on July 24, 2024, BlankBot is said to be undergoing active development, with the malware abusing Android's accessibility services permissions to obtain full control over the infected devices. The names of some of the malicious APK files containing BlankBot are listed below - app-release.apk (com.abcdefg.w568b) app-release.apk (com.abcdef.w568b) app-release-signed (14).apk (com.whatsapp.chma14) app.apk (com.whatsapp.chma14p) app.apk (com.whatsapp.w568bp) showcuu.apk (com.whatsapp.w568b) Like the recently resurfaced Mandrake Android trojan, BlankBot implement
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Cybercriminals Deploy 100K+ Malware Android Apps to Steal OTP Codes

Cybercriminals Deploy 100K+ Malware Android Apps to Steal OTP Codes

Jul 31, 2024 Mobile Security / Malware
A new malicious campaign has been observed making use of malicious Android apps to steal users' SMS messages since at least February 2022 as part of a large-scale campaign. The malicious apps, spanning over 107,000 unique samples, are designed to intercept one-time passwords (OTPs) used for online account verification to commit identity fraud. "Of those 107,000 malware samples, over 99,000 of these applications are/were unknown and unavailable in generally available repositories," mobile security firm Zimperium said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "This malware was monitoring one-time password messages across over 600 global brands, with some brands having user counts in the hundreds of millions of users." Victims of the campaign have been detected in 113 countries, with India and Russia topping the list, followed by Brazil, Mexico, the U.S., Ukraine, Spain, and Turkey. The starting point of the attack is the installation of a malicious app that
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New Mandrake Spyware Found in Google Play Store Apps After Two Years

New Mandrake Spyware Found in Google Play Store Apps After Two Years

Jul 30, 2024 Mobile Security / Spyware
A new iteration of a sophisticated Android spyware called Mandrake has been discovered in five applications that were available for download from the Google Play Store and remained undetected for two years. The applications attracted a total of more than 32,000 installations before being pulled from the app storefront, Kaspersky said in a Monday write-up. A majority of the downloads originated from Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Peru, and the U.K. "The new samples included new layers of obfuscation and evasion techniques, such as moving malicious functionality to obfuscated native libraries, using certificate pinning for C2 communications, and performing a wide array of tests to check if Mandrake was running on a rooted device or in an emulated environment," researchers Tatyana Shishkova and Igor Golovin said . Mandrake was first documented by Romanian cybersecurity vendor Bitdefender in May 2020, describing its deliberate approach to infect a handful of devices
Telegram App Flaw Exploited to Spread Malware Hidden in Videos

Telegram App Flaw Exploited to Spread Malware Hidden in Videos

Jul 24, 2024 Zero-Day / Malware
A zero-day security flaw in Telegram's mobile app for Android called EvilVideo made it possible for attackers to malicious files disguised as harmless-looking videos. The exploit appeared for sale for an unknown price in an underground forum on June 6, 2024, ESET said. Following responsible disclosure on June 26, the issue was addressed by Telegram in version 10.14.5 released on July 11. "Attackers could share malicious Android payloads via Telegram channels, groups, and chat, and make them appear as multimedia files," security researcher Lukáš Štefanko said in a report. It's believed that the payload is concocted using Telegram's application programming interface ( API ), which allows for programmatic uploads of multimedia files to chats and channels. In doing so, it enables an attacker to camouflage a malicious APK file as a 30-second video.  Users who click on the video are displayed an actual warning message stating the video cannot be played and urges t
Pro-Houthi Group Targets Yemen Aid Organizations with Android Spyware

Pro-Houthi Group Targets Yemen Aid Organizations with Android Spyware

Jul 19, 2024 Malware / Mobile Security
A suspected pro-Houthi threat group targeted at least three humanitarian organizations in Yemen with Android spyware designed to harvest sensitive information. These attacks, attributed to an activity cluster codenamed OilAlpha , entail a new set of malicious mobile apps that come with their own supporting infrastructure, Recorded Future's Insikt Group said . Targets of the ongoing campaign include, CARE International, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and the Saudi Arabian King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre. "The OilAlpha threat group is highly likely active and executing targeted activity against humanitarian and human rights organizations operating in Yemen, and potentially throughout the Middle East," the cybersecurity company said. OilAlpha was first documented in May 2023 in connection with an espionage campaign targeting development, humanitarian, media, and non-governmental organizations in the Arabian peninsula. These attacks leveraged What
GuardZoo Malware Targets Over 450 Middle Eastern Military Personnel

GuardZoo Malware Targets Over 450 Middle Eastern Military Personnel

Jul 09, 2024
Military personnel from Middle East countries are the target of an ongoing surveillanceware operation that delivers an Android data-gathering tool called GuardZoo . The campaign , believed to have commenced as early as October 2019, has been attributed to a Houthi-aligned threat actor based on the application lures, command-and-control (C2) server logs, targeting footprint, and the attack infrastructure location, according to Lookout. More than 450 victims have been impacted by the malicious activity, with targets located in Egypt, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the U.A.E., and Yemen. Telemetry data indicates that most of the infections have been recorded in Yemen. GuardZoo is a modified version of an Android remote access trojan (RAT) named Dendroid RAT that was first discovered by Broadcom-owned Symantec in March 2014. The entire source code associated with the crimeware solution was leaked later that August. Originally marketed as a commodity malware for a one-off price
CapraRAT Spyware Disguised as Popular Apps Threatens Android Users

CapraRAT Spyware Disguised as Popular Apps Threatens Android Users

Jul 01, 2024 Mobile Security / Spyware
The threat actor known as Transparent Tribe has continued to unleash malware-laced Android apps as part of a social engineering campaign to target individuals of interest. "These APKs continue the group's trend of embedding spyware into curated video browsing applications, with a new expansion targeting mobile gamers, weapons enthusiasts, and TikTok fans," SentinelOne security researcher Alex Delamotte said in a new report shared with The Hacker News. The campaign, dubbed CapraTube, was first outlined by the cybersecurity company in September 2023, with the hacking crew employing weaponized Android apps impersonating legitimate apps like YouTube to deliver a spyware called CapraRAT, a modified version of AndroRAT with capabilities to capture a wide range of sensitive data. Transparent Tribe, suspected to be of Pakistan origin, has leveraged CapraRAT for over two years in attacks targeting the Indian government and military personnel. The group has a history of lea
Multiple Threat Actors Deploying Open-Source Rafel RAT to Target Android Devices

Multiple Threat Actors Deploying Open-Source Rafel RAT to Target Android Devices

Jun 24, 2024 Mobile Security / Threat Intelligence
Multiple threat actors, including cyber espionage groups, are employing an open-source Android remote administration tool called Rafel RAT to meet their operational objectives by masquerading it as Instagram, WhatsApp, and various e-commerce and antivirus apps. "It provides malicious actors with a powerful toolkit for remote administration and control, enabling a range of malicious activities from data theft to device manipulation," Check Point said in an analysis published last week. It boasts a wide range of features, such as the ability to wipe SD cards, delete call logs, siphon notifications, and even act as ransomware. The use of Rafel RAT by DoNot Team (aka APT-C-35, Brainworm, and Origami Elephant) was previously highlighted by the Israeli cybersecurity company in cyber attacks that leveraged a design flaw in Foxit PDF Reader to trick users into downloading malicious payloads. The campaign, which took place in April 2024, is said to have utilized military-them
Singapore Police Extradites Malaysians Linked to Android Malware Fraud

Singapore Police Extradites Malaysians Linked to Android Malware Fraud

Jun 18, 2024 Mobile Security / Financial Fraud
The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has announced the extradition of two men from Malaysia for their alleged involvement in a mobile malware campaign targeting citizens in the country since June 2023. The unnamed individuals, aged 26 and 47, engaged in scams that tricked unsuspecting users into downloading malicious apps onto their Android devices via phishing campaigns with the aim of stealing their personal data and banking credentials. The stolen information was subsequently used to initiate fraudulent transactions on the victims' banking accounts, resulting in financial losses. Following a seven-months-long investigation that was launched in November 2023 in partnership with the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) and the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), the SPF said it found evidence linking the two men to a syndicate responsible for carrying out malware-enabled scams. "The two men [...] allegedly operated servers for the purposes of infecting victims' Android mobile phones w
Arm Warns of Actively Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability in Mali GPU Drivers

Arm Warns of Actively Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability in Mali GPU Drivers

Jun 11, 2024 Mobile Security / Technology
Arm is warning of a security vulnerability impacting Mali GPU Kernel Driver that it said has been actively exploited in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2024-4610 , the use-after-free issue impacts the following products - Bifrost GPU Kernel Driver (all versions from r34p0 to r40p0) Valhall GPU Kernel Driver (all versions from r34p0 to r40p0) "A local non-privileged user can make improper GPU memory processing operations to gain access to already freed memory," the company said in an advisory last week. The vulnerability has been addressed in Bifrost and Valhall GPU Kernel Driver r41p0. It's worth noting that this version was released on November 24, 2022. The current version of the drivers is r49p0, which was shipped in April 2024. When reached for comment, Arm told The Hacker News that while it was addressed in 2022, it was provided additional information that reclassified the problem as a security vulnerability. "In 2022 Arm fixed a weakness in the r41p0 re
Brazilian Banks Targeted by New AllaKore RAT Variant Called AllaSenha

Brazilian Banks Targeted by New AllaKore RAT Variant Called AllaSenha

May 29, 2024 Mobile Security / Banking Trojan
Brazilian banking institutions are the target of a new campaign that distributes a custom variant of the Windows-based AllaKore remote access trojan (RAT) called AllaSenha . The malware is "specifically aimed at stealing credentials that are required to access Brazilian bank accounts, [and] leverages Azure cloud as command-and-control (C2) infrastructure," French cybersecurity company HarfangLab said in a technical analysis. Targets of the campaign include banks such as Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Banco Safra, Caixa Econômica Federal, Itaú Unibanco, Sicoob, and Sicredi. The initial access vector, though not definitively confirmed, points towards the use of malicious links in phishing messages. The starting point of the attack is a malicious Windows shortcut (LNK) file that masquerades as a PDF document ("NotaFiscal.pdf.lnk") hosted on a WebDAV server since at least March 2024. There is also evidence to suggest that the threat actors behind the activity previous
Android 15 Rolls Out Advanced Features to Protect Users from Scams and Malicious Apps

Android 15 Rolls Out Advanced Features to Protect Users from Scams and Malicious Apps

May 15, 2024 Android Security / Malware
Google is unveiling a set of new features in Android 15 to prevent malicious apps installed on the device from capturing sensitive data. This constitutes an update to the  Play Integrity API  that third-party app developers can take advantage of to secure their applications against malware. "Developers can check if there are other apps running that could be capturing the screen, creating overlays, or controlling the device," Dave Kleidermacher, vice president of engineering for Android security and privacy,  said . "This is helpful for apps that want to hide sensitive information from other apps and protect users from scams." Additionally, the Play Integrity API can be used to check if  Google Play Protect  is active and if the user's device is free of known malware before performing sensitive actions or handling sensitive data. Google, with Android 13, introduced a feature called  restricted settings  that by default blocks sideloaded apps from accessing
Malicious Android Apps Pose as Google, Instagram, WhatsApp to Steal Credentials

Malicious Android Apps Pose as Google, Instagram, WhatsApp to Steal Credentials

May 10, 2024 Cybercrime / Banking Fraud
Malicious Android apps masquerading as Google, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and X (formerly Twitter) have been observed to steal users' credentials from compromised devices. "This malware uses famous Android app icons to mislead users and trick victims into installing the malicious app on their devices," the SonicWall Capture Labs threat research team  said  in a recent report. The distribution vector for the campaign is currently unclear. However, once the app is installed on the users' phones, it requests them to grant it permissions to the accessibility services and the  device administrator API , a now-deprecated feature that provides device administration features at the system level. Obtaining these permissions allows the rogue app to gain control over the device, making it possible to carry out arbitrary actions ranging from data theft to malware deployment without the victims' knowledge. The malware is designed to establish connections with a comman
Xiaomi Android Devices Hit by Multiple Flaws Across Apps and System Components

Xiaomi Android Devices Hit by Multiple Flaws Across Apps and System Components

May 06, 2024 Android / Data Security
Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in various applications and system components within Xiaomi devices running Android. "The vulnerabilities in Xiaomi led to access to arbitrary activities, receivers and services with system privileges, theft of arbitrary files with system privileges, [and] disclosure of phone, settings and Xiaomi account data," mobile security firm Oversecured  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. The 20 shortcomings impact different apps and components like - Gallery (com.miui.gallery) GetApps (com.xiaomi.mipicks) Mi Video (com.miui.videoplayer) MIUI Bluetooth (com.xiaomi.bluetooth) Phone Services (com.android.phone) Print Spooler (com.android.printspooler) Security (com.miui.securitycenter) Security Core Component (com.miui.securitycore) Settings (com.android.settings) ShareMe (com.xiaomi.midrop) System Tracing (com.android.traceur), and Xiaomi Cloud (com.miui.cloudservice) Some of the notable flaws include a
Popular Android Apps Like Xiaomi, WPS Office Vulnerable to File Overwrite Flaw

Popular Android Apps Like Xiaomi, WPS Office Vulnerable to File Overwrite Flaw

May 02, 2024 Vulnerability / Android
Several popular Android applications available in Google Play Store are susceptible to a path traversal-affiliated vulnerability codenamed the Dirty Stream attack that could be exploited by a malicious app to overwrite arbitrary files in the vulnerable app's home directory. "The implications of this vulnerability pattern include arbitrary code execution and token theft, depending on an application's implementation," Dimitrios Valsamaras of the Microsoft Threat Intelligence team  said  in a report published Wednesday. Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to take full control of the application's behavior and leverage the stolen tokens to gain unauthorized access to the victim's online accounts and other data. Two of the apps that were found vulnerable to the problem are as follows - Xiaomi File Manager (com.mi. Android.globalFileexplorer) - Over 1 billion installs WPS Office (cn.wps.moffice_eng) - Over 500 million installs While Android implem
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