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Category — DMARC
NSA, FBI Alert on N. Korean Hackers Spoofing Emails from Trusted Sources

NSA, FBI Alert on N. Korean Hackers Spoofing Emails from Trusted Sources

May 03, 2024 Email Security / Malware
The U.S. government on Thursday published a new cybersecurity advisory warning of North Korean threat actors' attempts to send emails in a manner that makes them appear like they are from legitimate and trusted parties. The joint bulletin was published by the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of State. "The DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] leverages these spear-phishing campaigns to collect intelligence on geopolitical events, adversary foreign policy strategies, and any information affecting DPRK interests by gaining illicit access to targets' private documents, research, and communications," the NSA  said . The technique specifically concerns exploiting improperly configured DNS Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance ( DMARC ) record policies to conceal social engineering attempts. In doing so, the threat actors can send spoofed emails as if they are from a legit
8,000+ Domains of Trusted Brands Hijacked for Massive Spam Operation

8,000+ Domains of Trusted Brands Hijacked for Massive Spam Operation

Feb 26, 2024 Domain Hijacking / Email Security
More than 8,000 domains and 13,000 subdomains belonging to legitimate brands and institutions have been hijacked as part of a sophisticated distribution architecture for spam proliferation and click monetization. Guardio Labs is tracking the coordinated malicious activity, which has been ongoing since at least September 2022, under the name SubdoMailing. The emails range from "counterfeit package delivery alerts to outright phishing for account credentials." The Israeli security company attributed the campaign to a threat actor it calls  ResurrecAds , which is known to resuscitate dead domains of or affiliated with big brands with the end goal of manipulating the digital advertising ecosystem for nefarious gains. "'ResurrecAds' manages an extensive infrastructure encompassing a wide array of hosts, SMTP servers, IP addresses, and even private residential ISP connections, alongside many additional owned domain names," security researchers Nati Tal and Ole
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
SMTP Smuggling: New Flaw Lets Attackers Bypass Security and Spoof Emails

SMTP Smuggling: New Flaw Lets Attackers Bypass Security and Spoof Emails

Jan 03, 2024 Cyber Threat / Email Security
A new exploitation technique called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP ) smuggling can be weaponized by threat actors to send spoofed emails with fake sender addresses while bypassing security measures. "Threat actors could abuse vulnerable SMTP servers worldwide to send malicious emails from arbitrary email addresses, allowing targeted phishing attacks," Timo Longin, a senior security consultant at SEC Consult,  said  in an analysis published last month. SMTP is a TCP/IP protocol used to send and receive email messages over a network. To relay a message from an email client (aka mail user agent), an SMTP connection is established between the client and server in order to transmit the actual content of the email. The server then relies on what's called a mail transfer agent (MTA) to check the domain of the recipient's email address, and if it's different from that of the sender, it queries the domain name system (DNS) to look up the  MX (mail exchanger) rec
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
How Does DMARC Prevent Phishing?

How Does DMARC Prevent Phishing?

Sep 27, 2021
DMARC  is a global standard for email authentication. It allows senders to verify that the email really comes from whom it claims to come from. This helps curb spam and phishing attacks, which are among the most prevalent cybercrimes of today. Gmail, Yahoo, and many other large email providers have implemented DMARC and praised its benefits in recent years. If your company's domain name is bankofamerica.com, you do not want a cyber attacker to be able to send emails under that domain. This puts your brand reputation at risk and could potentially spread financial malware. The DMARC standard prevents this by checking whether emails are sent from an expected IP address or domain. It specifies how domains can be contacted if there are authentication or migration issues and provides forensic information so senders can monitor email traffic and quarantine suspicious emails. What is a Phishing Attack? Phishing is an attempt by cybercriminals to trick victims into giving away sensitive
DMARC: The First Line of Defense Against Ransomware

DMARC: The First Line of Defense Against Ransomware

Jun 28, 2021
There has been a lot of buzz in the industry about ransomware lately. Almost every other day, it's making headlines. With businesses across the globe holding their breath, scared they might fall victim to the next major ransomware attack, it is now time to take action. The FBI IC3 report of 2020 classified Ransomware as the most financially damaging cybercrime of the year, with no major improvement in 2021. Wouldn't it be nice if you could prevent a ransomware attack from occurring in the first place?  DMARC  can make this seemingly impossible claim a possibility for domain owners!  Multiple benefits arise from your DMARC implementation over time, including an increase in the deliverability of your email as well as a higher domain reputation. DMARC is also known as the first line of defense against Ransomware. Let's take a closer look. What are the Risks Associated with Ransomware?  Ransomware is malicious software that installs itself on your computer without your p
Can Your Business Email Be Spoofed? Check Your Domain Security Now!

Can Your Business Email Be Spoofed? Check Your Domain Security Now!

May 31, 2021
Are you aware of how secure your domain is? In most organizations, there is an assumption that their domains are secure and within a few months, but the truth soon dawns on them that it isn't. Spotting someone spoofing your domain name is one way to determine if your security is unsatisfactory - this means that someone is impersonating you (or confusing some of your recipients) and releasing false information. You may ask, "But why should I care?" Because these spoofing activities can potentially endanger your reputation. With so many companies being targeted by domain impersonators, email domain spoofing shouldn't be taken lightly. By doing so, they could put themselves, as well as their clients, at risk.  Your domain's security rating can make a huge difference in whether or not you get targeted by phishers looking to make money quickly or to use your domain and brand to spread ransomware without you knowing it! Check your domain's security rating with
How to Test and Improve Your Domain's Email Security?

How to Test and Improve Your Domain's Email Security?

Apr 26, 2021
No matter which type of business you are in, whether small, medium, or large, email has become an irrefutable tool for communicating with your employees, partners, and customers. Emails are sent and received each day in bulk by companies from various sources. In addition, organizations may also employ third-party vendors who may be authorized to send emails on behalf of the company. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between sources that are legitimate and malicious. Here's a solution – PowerDMARC. This SaaS platform helps you assess your  email authentication  protocols from time to time and see if your domain is secure against spoofing with a DMARC record checker, so you can make changes if necessary. Check Your Domain Today!  Use our free tool to examine your domain's DMARC, SPF, DKIM, BIMI, and MTA-STS records instantly to ensure your domain is protected from impersonation and email fraud! Importance of Having Robust Email Security in 2021 S
How to Effectively Prevent Email Spoofing Attacks in 2021?

How to Effectively Prevent Email Spoofing Attacks in 2021?

Mar 29, 2021
Email spoofing is a growing problem for an organization's security. Spoofing occurs when a hacker sends an email that appears to have been sent from a trusted source/domain. Email spoofing is not a new concept. Defined as "the forgery of an email address header to make the message appear as if it was sent from a person or location other than the actual sender," it has plagued brands for decades.  When an email is sent, the From address doesn't show which server the email was actually sent from - instead, it shows the domain that was entered when the address was created so as not to arouse suspicion among recipients. With the amount of data flowing through email servers these days, it should come as no surprise that spoofing is a problem for businesses. At the end of 2020, we found that phishing incidents were up a staggering 220% year-over-year at the height of the global pandemic scare. Since not all spoofing attacks are large-scale, the actual number could be muc
How to Fight Business Email Compromise (BEC) with Email Authentication?

How to Fight Business Email Compromise (BEC) with Email Authentication?

Feb 22, 2021
An ever-evolving and rampant form of cybercrime that targets emails as the potential medium to conduct fraud is known as Business Email Compromise. Targeting commercial, government as well as non-profit organizations, BEC can lead to huge amounts of data loss, security breach, and compromised financial assets. It is a common misconception that cybercriminals usually lay their focus on MNCs and enterprise-level organizations. SMEs these days are just as much a target to email fraud as the larger industry players. How Can BEC Affect Organizations?  Examples of BEC include sophisticated social engineering attacks like phishing, CEO fraud, fake invoices, and email spoofing, to name a few. It can also be termed an impersonation attack wherein an attacker aims to defraud a company by posing people in authoritarian positions. Impersonating people like the CFO or CEO, a business partner, or anyone you will blindly place your trust in is what drives these attacks' success. February of
How DMARC Can Stop Criminals Sending Fake Emails on Behalf of Your Domain

How DMARC Can Stop Criminals Sending Fake Emails on Behalf of Your Domain

Dec 07, 2020
21st-century technology has allowed Cybercriminals to use sophisticated and undetectable methods for malicious activities. In 2020 alone, a survey revealed that  65% of US-based companies were vulnerable to email phishing and impersonation attacks . This calls for upgrading your organization's security with DMARC, which if not implemented, will enable cyber-attackers to: Instigate money transfers from vulnerable employees via spoofed emails while impersonating senior executives in your company Send fake invoices to your employees and partners Deal in illegal goods via your domain  Spread Ransomware Impersonate customer support to steal confidential customer or partner information Such situations can have long-lasting consequences on your business. From inflicting a blow on thebrand's reputation and credibility among its partners and customer base to loss of valuable company information and millions of dollars, the risks are countless. What is Domain Spoofing? Domain
MailSploit — Email Spoofing Flaw Affects Over 30 Popular Email Clients

MailSploit — Email Spoofing Flaw Affects Over 30 Popular Email Clients

Dec 05, 2017
If you receive an email that looks like it's from one of your friends, just beware! It's possible that the email has been sent by someone else in an attempt to compromise your system. A security researcher has discovered a collection of vulnerabilities in more than 30 popular email client applications that could allow anyone to send spoofed emails bypassing anti-spoofing mechanisms. Discovered by security researcher Sabri Haddouche , the set of vulnerabilities, dubbed MailSploit , affects Apple Mail (macOS, iOS, and watchOS), Mozilla Thunderbird, several Microsoft email clients, Yahoo Mail, ProtonMail, and others. Although most of these affected email client applications have implemented anti-spoofing mechanisms, such as DKIM and DMARC, MailSploit takes advantage of the way email clients and web interfaces parse "From" header. Email spoofing is an old-school technique, but it works well, allowing someone to modify email headers and send an email with the fo
Yahoo's New DMARC Policy Destroys Every Mailing List across the World

Yahoo's New DMARC Policy Destroys Every Mailing List across the World

Apr 08, 2014
Yahoo! The one who enabled the HTTPS connections by default from the beginning of this year, the one who encrypts traffic moving between its data centers from 31st March , now has been accused of harming every  Mailing List  across the world. Experts from the Internet Engineering Council John R. Levine , specialized in email infrastructure and spam filtering claimed this in the post titled " Yahoo breaks every mailing list in the world including the IETF's. " on Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Yahoo has established a new rule to automatically exclude Yahoo users from the mailing list, because Mailing List server does not comply with DMARC requirements and they strongly modifies each email. He talks about an " emerging e-mail security scheme " known as Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) that has been implemented by almost every largest email service providers, including Gmail, Hotmail, Comcast, and Yahoo. DMARC helps to reduce the p
Twitter added DMARC support to prevent email phishing

Twitter added DMARC support to prevent email phishing

Feb 22, 2013
Twitter announced via its blog today that it has begun using a new method called Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) to help prevent email phishing. DMARC is actually a standard for preventing email spoofing, in order to make it harder for attackers to send phishing emails that appear to come from twitter.com addresses. Sometimes it's not easy to figure out if an email is legitimate or not. It implementing the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) email message validation and authentication systems. Twitter says it started using the DMARC earlier this month. While the DMARC specification does need support from e-mail services, outfits including AOL, Gmail, Hotmail or Outlook and Yahoo already make use of it. It has also been implemented by services like Facebook, PayPal, Amazon and now Twitter. If you don't use Gmail or one of the other email providers listed above, you may not be protected. It might be
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