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Category — Kaspersky
Canada Bans WeChat and Kaspersky Apps On Government Devices

Canada Bans WeChat and Kaspersky Apps On Government Devices

Oct 31, 2023 National Security / Cyber Threat
Canada on Monday announced a ban on the use of apps from Tencent and Kaspersky on government mobile devices, citing an "unacceptable level of risk to privacy and security." "The Government of Canada is committed to keeping government information and networks secure," the Canadian government  said . "We regularly monitor potential threats and take immediate action to address risks." To that end, Tencent's WeChat and Kaspersky's suite of applications have been removed from government-issued mobile devices effective October 30, 2023. Going forward, users of these devices will be blocked from downloading the apps. "We are taking a risk-based approach to cyber security by removing access to these applications on government mobile devices," Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board, said in a statement, adding the apps "provide considerable access to the device's contents." WeChat is a Chinese instant messaging, social med
DoNot Team's New Firebird Backdoor Hits Pakistan and Afghanistan

DoNot Team's New Firebird Backdoor Hits Pakistan and Afghanistan

Oct 23, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Malware
The threat actor known as  DoNot Team  has been linked to the use of a novel .NET-based backdoor called Firebird targeting a handful of victims in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Cybersecurity company Kaspersky, which disclosed the findings in its APT trends report Q3 2023, said the attack chains are also configured to deliver a downloader named CSVtyrei, so named for its resemblance to Vtyrei. "Some code within the examples appeared non-functional, hinting at ongoing development efforts," the Russian firm  said . Vtyrei  (aka BREEZESUGAR) refers to a first-stage payload and downloader strain previously harnessed by the adversary to deliver a malware framework known as RTY . DoNot Team, also known by the names APT-C-35, Origami Elephant, and SECTOR02, is suspected to be of Indian origin, with its attacks employing spear-phishing emails and rogue Android apps to propagate malware. The latest assessment from Kaspersky builds on an  analysis  of the threat actor's twin att
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Sophisticated MATA Framework Strikes Eastern European Oil and Gas Companies

Sophisticated MATA Framework Strikes Eastern European Oil and Gas Companies

Oct 19, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Malware
An updated version of a sophisticated backdoor framework called  MATA  has been used in attacks aimed at over a dozen Eastern European companies in the oil and gas sector and defense industry as part of a cyber espionage operation that took place between August 2022 and May 2023. "The actors behind the attack used spear-phishing mails to target several victims, some were infected with Windows executable malware by downloading files through an internet browser," Kaspersky  said  in a new exhaustive report published this week. "Each phishing document contains an external link to fetch a remote page containing a  CVE-2021-26411  exploit." CVE-2021-26411 (CVSS score: 8.8) refers to a  memory corruption vulnerability  in Internet Explorer that could be triggered to execute arbitrary code by tricking a victim into visiting a specially crafted site. It was previously exploited by the Lazarus Group in early 2021 to target security researchers. The cross-platform MATA f
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The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

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TetrisPhantom: Cyber Espionage via Secure USBs Targets APAC Governments

TetrisPhantom: Cyber Espionage via Secure USBs Targets APAC Governments

Oct 18, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Malware
Government entities in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region are the target of a long-running cyber espionage campaign dubbed  TetrisPhantom . "The attacker covertly spied on and harvested sensitive data from APAC government entities by exploiting a particular type of secure USB drive, protected by hardware encryption to ensure the secure storage and transfer of data between computer systems," Kaspersky  said  in its APT trends report for Q3 2023. The Russian cybersecurity firm, which detected the ongoing activity in early 2023, said the USB drives offer hardware encryption and are employed by government organizations worldwide to securely store and transfer data, raising the possibility that the attacks could expand in the future to have a global footprint. The clandestine intrusion set has not been linked to any known threat actor or group, but the high-level of sophistication of the campaign points to a nation-state crew. "These operations were conducted by a highly sk
Zanubis Android Banking Trojan Poses as Peruvian Government App to Target Users

Zanubis Android Banking Trojan Poses as Peruvian Government App to Target Users

Oct 02, 2023 Malware / Cyber Threat
An emerging Android banking trojan called Zanubis is now masquerading as a Peruvian government app to trick unsuspecting users into installing the malware. "Zanubis's main infection path is through impersonating legitimate Peruvian Android applications and then tricking the user into enabling the Accessibility permissions in order to take full control of the device," Kaspersky  said  in an analysis published last week. Zanubis,  originally documented  in August 2022, is the latest addition to a  long list of Android banker malware  targeting the Latin American (LATAM) region. Targets include more than 40 banks and financial entities in Peru. It's mainly known for abusing accessibility permissions on the infected device to display fake overlay screens atop the targeted apps in an attempt to steal credentials. it's also capable of harvesting contact data, list of installed apps, and system metadata. Kaspersky said it observed recent samples of Zanubis in the w
Cybercriminals Using New ASMCrypt Malware Loader to Fly Under the Radar

Cybercriminals Using New ASMCrypt Malware Loader to Fly Under the Radar

Sep 29, 2023 Malware / Cyber Threat
Threat actors are selling a new crypter and loader called  ASMCrypt , which has been described as an "evolved version" of another loader malware known as DoubleFinger. "The idea behind this type of malware is to load the final payload without the loading process or the payload itself being detected by AV/EDR, etc.," Kaspersky  said  in an analysis published this week. DoubleFinger was  first documented  by the Russian cybersecurity company, detailing infection chains leveraging the malware to propagate a cryptocurrency stealer dubbed GreetingGhoul to victims in Europe, the U.S., and Latin America. ASMCrypt, once purchased and launched by the customers, is designed to establish contact with a backend service over the TOR network using hard-coded credentials, thereby enabling the buyers to build payloads of their choice for use in their campaigns. "The application creates an encrypted blob hidden inside a .PNG file," Kaspersky said. "This image mus
Researchers Shed Light on APT31's Advanced Backdoors and Data Exfiltration Tactics

Researchers Shed Light on APT31's Advanced Backdoors and Data Exfiltration Tactics

Aug 11, 2023 Malware / Cyber Attack
The Chinese threat actor known as APT31 (aka Bronze Vinewood, Judgement Panda, or Violet Typhoon) has been linked to a set of advanced backdoors that are capable of exfiltrating harvested sensitive information to Dropbox. The malware is part of a broader collection of  more than 15 implants  that have been put to use by the adversary in attacks targeting industrial organizations in Eastern Europe in 2022. "The attackers aimed to establish a permanent channel for data exfiltration, including data stored on air-gapped systems," Kaspersky  said  in an analysis spotlighting APT31's previously undocumented tradecraft. The intrusions employ a three-stage malware stack, each focused on disparate aspects of the attack chain: setting up persistence, gathering sensitive data, and transmitting the information to a remote server under the threat actor's control. Some variants of the second-stage backdoors also come with features designed to look up file names in the Microso
China's APT31 Suspected in Attacks on Air-Gapped Systems in Eastern Europe

China's APT31 Suspected in Attacks on Air-Gapped Systems in Eastern Europe

Aug 01, 2023 Cyber Attack / Data Safety
A nation-state actor with links to China is suspected of being behind a series of attacks against industrial organizations in Eastern Europe that took place last year to siphon data stored on air-gapped systems. Cybersecurity company Kaspersky attributed the intrusions with medium to high confidence to a hacking crew called  APT31 , which is also tracked under the monikers Bronze Vinewood, Judgement Panda, and Violet Typhoon (formerly Zirconium), citing commonalities in the tactics observed. The attacks entailed the use of more than 15 distinct implants and their variants, broken down into three broad categories based on their ability to establish persistent remote access, gather sensitive information, and transmit the collected data to actor-controlled infrastructure. "One of the implant types appeared to be a sophisticated modular malware, aimed at profiling removable drives and contaminating them with a worm to exfiltrate data from isolated, or air-gapped, networks of indus
North Korean Hacker Group Andariel Strikes with New EarlyRat Malware

North Korean Hacker Group Andariel Strikes with New EarlyRat Malware

Jun 29, 2023 Vulnerability / Malware
The North Korea-aligned threat actor known as Andariel leveraged a previously undocumented malware called EarlyRat in phishing attacks, adding another piece to the group's wide-ranging toolset. "Andariel infects machines by executing a Log4j exploit, which, in turn, downloads further malware from the command-and-control (C2) server," Kaspersky  said  in a new report. Also called Silent Chollima and Stonefly, Andariel is associated with North Korea's Lab 110, a primary hacking unit that also houses  APT38  (aka BlueNoroff ) and other subordinate elements collectively tracked under the umbrella name  Lazarus Group .  The threat actor, besides conducting espionage attacks against foreign government and military entities that are of strategic interest, is known to  carry out cyber crime  as an extra source of income to the sanctions-hit nation. Some of the key cyber weapons in its arsenal include a ransomware strain referred to as  Maui  and numerous remote access t
Bad Magic's Extended Reign in Cyber Espionage Goes Back Over a Decade

Bad Magic's Extended Reign in Cyber Espionage Goes Back Over a Decade

May 22, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Malware
New findings about a hacker group linked to cyber attacks targeting companies in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict area reveal that it may have been around for much longer than previously thought. The threat actor, tracked as  Bad Magic  (aka Red Stinger), has not only been linked to a fresh sophisticated campaign, but also to an activity cluster that first came to light in May 2016. "While the previous targets were primarily located in the Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea regions, the scope has now widened to include individuals, diplomatic entities, and research organizations in Western and Central Ukraine," Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky  said  in a technical report published last week. The campaign is characterized by the use of a novel modular framework codenamed CloudWizard, which features capabilities to take screenshots, record microphone, log keystrokes, grab passwords, and harvest Gmail inboxes. Bad Magic was  first documented  by the company in March 2023, detail
New APT Group Red Stinger Targets Military and Critical Infrastructure in Eastern Europe

New APT Group Red Stinger Targets Military and Critical Infrastructure in Eastern Europe

May 11, 2023 Advanced Persistent Threat
A previously undetected advanced persistent threat (APT) actor dubbed  Red Stinger  has been linked to attacks targeting Eastern Europe since 2020. "Military, transportation, and critical infrastructure were some of the entities being targeted, as well as some involved in the  September East Ukraine referendums ," Malwarebytes disclosed in a  report  published today. "Depending on the campaign, attackers managed to exfiltrate snapshots, USB drives, keyboard strokes, and microphone recordings." Red Stinger overlaps with a threat cluster Kaspersky revealed under the name  Bad Magic  last month as having targeted government, agriculture, and transportation organizations located in Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea last year. While there were indications that the APT group may have been active since at least September 2021, the latest findings from Malwarebytes push the group's origins back by nearly a year, with the first operation taking place in December 2020.
Researchers Uncover Thriving Phishing Kit Market on Telegram Channels

Researchers Uncover Thriving Phishing Kit Market on Telegram Channels

Apr 07, 2023 Cyber Threat / Online Security
In yet another sign that Telegram is increasingly becoming a  thriving hub  for cybercrime, researchers have found that threat actors are using the messaging platform to peddle phishing kits and help set up phishing campaigns. "To promote their 'goods,' phishers create Telegram channels through which they educate their audience about phishing and entertain subscribers with polls like, 'What type of personal data do you prefer?'," Kaspersky web content analyst Olga Svistunova  said  in a report published this week. The links to these Telegram channels are distributed via YouTube, GitHub, and the phishing kits that are developed by the crooks themselves. The Russian cybersecurity firm said it detected over 2.5 million malicious URLs generated using phishing kits in the past six months. One of the prominent services offered is to provide threat actors with Telegram bots that automate the process of generating phishing pages and collecting user data. Although
New 'Bad Magic' Cyber Threat Disrupts Ukraine's Key Sectors Amid War

New 'Bad Magic' Cyber Threat Disrupts Ukraine's Key Sectors Amid War

Mar 21, 2023 Cyber War / Cyber Threat
Amid the  ongoing war  between Russia and Ukraine, government, agriculture, and transportation organizations located in Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea have been attacked as part of an active campaign that drops a previously unseen, modular framework dubbed  CommonMagic . "Although the initial vector of compromise is unclear, the details of the next stage imply the use of spear phishing or similar methods," Kaspersky  said  in a new report. The Russian cybersecurity company, which detected the attacks in October 2022, is tracking the activity cluster under the name "Bad Magic." Attack chains entail the use of booby-trapped URLS pointing to a ZIP archive hosted on a malicious web server. The file, when opened, contains a decoy document and a malicious LNK file that culminates in the deployment of a backdoor named PowerMagic. Written in PowerShell, PowerMagic establishes contact with a remote server and executes arbitrary commands, the results of which are exfiltra
New Backdoor Created Using Leaked CIA's Hive Malware Discovered in the Wild

New Backdoor Created Using Leaked CIA's Hive Malware Discovered in the Wild

Jan 16, 2023 Threat Landscape / Malware
Unidentified threat actors have deployed a new backdoor that borrows its features from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)'s  Hive  multi-platform  malware suite , the source code of which was  released  by WikiLeaks in November 2017. "This is the first time we caught a variant of the CIA Hive attack kit in the wild, and we named it  xdr33  based on its embedded Bot-side certificate CN=xdr33," Qihoo Netlab 360's Alex Turing and Hui Wang  said  in a technical write-up published last week. xdr33 is said to be propagated by exploiting an unspecified N-day security vulnerability in F5 appliances. It communicates with a command-and-control (C2) server using SSL with forged Kaspersky certificates. The intent of the backdoor, per the Chinese cybersecurity firm, is to harvest sensitive information and act as a launchpad for subsequent intrusions. It improves upon Hive by adding new C2 instructions and functionalities, among other implementation changes. The  ELF
BlueNoroff APT Hackers Using New Ways to Bypass Windows MotW Protection

BlueNoroff APT Hackers Using New Ways to Bypass Windows MotW Protection

Dec 27, 2022 Cyber Attack / Windows Security
BlueNoroff , a subcluster of the notorious Lazarus Group, has been observed adopting new techniques into its playbook that enable it to bypass Windows Mark of the Web ( MotW ) protections. This includes the use of optical disk image (.ISO extension) and virtual hard disk (.VHD extension) file formats as part of a novel infection chain, Kaspersky disclosed in a report published today. "BlueNoroff created numerous fake domains impersonating venture capital companies and banks," security researcher Seongsu Park said , adding the new attack procedure was flagged in its telemetry in September 2022. Some of the bogus domains have been found to imitate ABF Capital, Angel Bridge, ANOBAKA, Bank of America, and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, most of which are located in Japan, signalling a "keen interest" in the region. It's worth pointing out that although MotW bypasses have been documented in the wild before, this is the first time they have been incorporated by
Researchers Uncover MirrorFace Cyber Attacks Targeting Japanese Political Entities

Researchers Uncover MirrorFace Cyber Attacks Targeting Japanese Political Entities

Dec 15, 2022 Advanced Persistent Threat
A Chinese-speaking advanced persistent threat (APT) actor codenamed  MirrorFace  has been attributed to a spear-phishing campaign targeting Japanese political establishments. The activity, dubbed  Operation LiberalFace  by ESET, specifically focused on members of an unnamed political party in the nation with the goal of delivering an implant called LODEINFO and a hitherto unseen credential stealer named MirrorStealer. The Slovak cybersecurity company said the campaign was launched a little over a week prior to the  Japanese House of Councillors election  that took place on July 10, 2022. "LODEINFO was used to deliver additional malware, exfiltrate the victim's credentials, and steal the victim's documents and emails," ESET researcher Dominik Breitenbacher  said  in a technical report published Wednesday. MirrorFace is said to share overlaps with another threat actor tracked as  APT10  (aka Bronze Riverside, Cicada, Earth Tengshe, Stone Panda, and Potassium) and
Hack-for-Hire Group Targets Travel and Financial Entities with New Janicab Malware Variant

Hack-for-Hire Group Targets Travel and Financial Entities with New Janicab Malware Variant

Dec 10, 2022 Hack-for-Hire / Threat Intelligence
Travel agencies have emerged as the target of a hack-for-hire group dubbed  Evilnum  as part of a broader campaign aimed at legal and financial investment institutions in the Middle East and Europe. The attacks, which took place during 2020 and 2021 and likely went as far back as 2015, involved a revamped variant of a malware called Janicab that leverages a number of public services like WordPress and YouTube as  dead drop resolvers , Kaspersky  said  in a technical report published this week. Janicab infections comprise a diverse set of victims located in Egypt, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the U.K. The development marks the first time legal organizations in Saudi Arabia have been targeted by this group. Also tracked as DeathStalker, the threat actor is known to deploy  backdoors  like Janicab, Evilnum, Powersing, and PowerPepper to exfiltrate confidential corporate information. "Their interest in gathering sensitive business information leads us to believe that Deat
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