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Category — phishing attack
New Android Malware NGate Steals NFC Data to Clone Contactless Payment Cards

New Android Malware NGate Steals NFC Data to Clone Contactless Payment Cards

Aug 26, 2024 Financial Fraud / Mobile Security
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered new Android malware that can relay victims' contactless payment data from physical credit and debit cards to an attacker-controlled device with the goal of conducting fraudulent operations. The Slovak cybersecurity company is tracking the novel malware as NGate, stating it observed the crimeware campaign targeting three banks in Czechia. The malware "has the unique ability to relay data from victims' payment cards, via a malicious app installed on their Android devices, to the attacker's rooted Android phone," researchers Lukáš Štefanko and Jakub Osmani said in an analysis. The activity is part of a broader campaign that has been found to target financial institutions in Czechia since November 2023 using malicious progressive web apps (PWAs) and WebAPKs. The first recorded use of NGate was in March 2024. The end goal of the attacks is to clone near-field communication (NFC) data from victims' physical payment ca
Meta Exposes Iranian Hacker Group Targeting Global Political Figures on WhatsApp

Meta Exposes Iranian Hacker Group Targeting Global Political Figures on WhatsApp

Aug 24, 2024 Election Security / Threat Intelligence
Meta Platforms on Friday became the latest company after Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI to expose the activities of an Iranian state-sponsored threat actor, who it said used a set of WhatsApp accounts that attempted to target individuals in Israel, Palestine, Iran, the U.K., and the U.S. The activity cluster, which originated from Iran, "appeared to have focused on political and diplomatic officials, and other public figures, including some associated with administrations of President Biden and former President Trump," Meta said . The social media giant attributed it to a nation-state actor tracked as APT42, which is also known as Charming Kitten, Damselfly, Mint Sandstorm (formerly Phosphorus), TA453, and Yellow Garuda. It's assessed to be linked to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The adversarial collective is well-known for its use of sophisticated social engineering lures to spear-phish targets of interest with malware and steal their credenti
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Russian-Linked Hackers Target Eastern European NGOs and Media

Russian-Linked Hackers Target Eastern European NGOs and Media

Aug 15, 2024 Cyber Attack / Social Engineering
Russian and Belarusian non-profit organizations, Russian independent media, and international non-governmental organizations active in Eastern Europe have become the target of two separate spear-phishing campaigns orchestrated by threat actors whose interests align with that of the Russian government. While one of the campaigns – dubbed River of Phish – has been attributed to COLDRIVER , an adversarial collective with ties to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the second set of attacks have been deemed the work of a previously undocumented threat cluster codenamed COLDWASTREL. Targets of the campaigns also included prominent Russian opposition figures-in-exile, officials and academics in the US think tank and policy space, and a former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, according to a joint investigation from Access Now and the Citizen Lab. "Both kinds of attacks were highly tailored to better deceive members of the target organizations," Access Now said . "The m
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
New Cyber Threat Targets Azerbaijan and Israel Diplomats, Stealing Sensitive Data

New Cyber Threat Targets Azerbaijan and Israel Diplomats, Stealing Sensitive Data

Aug 15, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Data Theft
A previously unknown threat actor has been attributed to a spate of attacks targeting Azerbaijan and Israel with an aim to steal sensitive data. The attack campaign, detected by NSFOCUS on July 1, 2024, leveraged spear-phishing emails to single out Azerbaijani and Israeli diplomats. The activity is being tracked under the moniker Actor240524 . "Actor240524 possesses the ability to steal secrets and modify file data, using a variety of countermeasures to avoid overexposure of attack tactics and techniques," the cybersecurity company said in an analysis published last week. The attack chains commence with the use of phishing emails bearing Microsoft Word documents that, upon opening, urge the recipients to " Enable Content " and run a malicious macro responsible for executing an intermediate loader payload codenamed ABCloader ("MicrosoftWordUpdater.log"). In the next step, ABCloader acts as a conduit to decrypt and load a DLL malware called ABCsync (&
Black Basta-Linked Attackers Target Users with SystemBC Malware

Black Basta-Linked Attackers Target Users with SystemBC Malware

Aug 14, 2024 Malware / Network Security
An ongoing social engineering campaign with alleged links to the Black Basta ransomware group has been linked to "multiple intrusion attempts" with the goal of conducting credential theft and deploying a malware dropper called SystemBC. "The initial lure being utilized by the threat actors remains the same: an email bomb followed by an attempt to call impacted users and offer a fake solution," Rapid7 said , adding "external calls were typically made to the impacted users via Microsoft Teams." The attack chain then convinces the user to download and install a legitimate remote access software named AnyDesk, which acts as a channel for deploying follow-on payloads and exfiltrate sensitive data. This includes the use of an executable called "AntiSpam.exe" that purports to download email spam filters and urges users to enter their Windows credentials to complete the update. The step is followed by the execution of several binaries, DLL files,
University Professors Targeted by North Korean Cyber Espionage Group

University Professors Targeted by North Korean Cyber Espionage Group

Aug 08, 2024 Cyber Attack / Cyber Espionage
The North Korea-linked threat actor known as Kimsuky has been linked to a new set of attacks targeting university staff, researchers, and professors for intelligence gathering purposes. Cybersecurity firm Resilience said it identified the activity in late July 2024 after it observed an operation security (OPSEC) error made by the hackers. Kimsuky, also known by the names APT43, ARCHIPELAGO, Black Banshee, Emerald Sleet, Springtail, and Velvet Chollima, is just one of the myriad offensive cyber teams operating under the direction of the North Korean government and military. It's also very active, often leveraging spear-phishing campaigns as a starting point to deliver an ever-expanding set of custom tools to conduct reconnaissance, pilfer data, and establish persistent remote access to infected hosts. The attacks are also characterized by the use of compromised hosts as staging infrastructure to deploy an obfuscated version of the Green Dinosaur web shell, which is then used
Kazakh Organizations Targeted by 'Bloody Wolf' Cyber Attacks

Kazakh Organizations Targeted by 'Bloody Wolf' Cyber Attacks

Aug 05, 2024 Network Security / Threat Intelligence
Organizations in Kazakhstan are the target of a threat activity cluster dubbed Bloody Wolf that delivers a commodity malware called STRRAT (aka Strigoi Master). "The program selling for as little as $80 on underground resources allows the adversaries to take control of corporate computers and hijack restricted data," cybersecurity vendor BI.ZONE said in a new analysis. The cyber attacks employ phishing emails as an initial access vector, impersonating the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other agencies to trick recipients into opening PDF attachments. The file purports to be a non-compliance notice and contains links to a malicious Java archive (JAR) file as well as an installation guide for the Java interpreter necessary for the malware to function. In an attempt to lend legitimacy to the attack, the second link points to a web page associated with the country's government website that urges visitors to install Java in order to ensure that th
How To Get the Most From Your Security Team’s Email Alert Budget

How To Get the Most From Your Security Team's Email Alert Budget

Jul 31, 2024 Email Security / Data Protection
We'll TL;DR the FUDdy introduction: we all know that phishing attacks are on the rise in scale and complexity, that AI is enabling more sophisticated attacks that evade traditional defenses, and the never-ending cybersecurity talent gap means we're all struggling to keep security teams fully staffed.  Given that reality, security teams need to be able to monitor and respond to threats effectively and efficiently. You obviously can't let real threats slip past unnoticed, but you also can't afford to waste time chasing false positives.  In this post, we're going to look at some of the ways Material Security 's unique approach to email security and data protection can dramatically–and quantifiably–save your security teams hours each week while improving the effectiveness of your security program.  What's Your Alert Budget? Before we dive into the "how," let's take a moment to look at why efficiency is critical in security operations. To do that, let's think about how many alerts can
Cyber Espionage Group XDSpy Targets Companies in Russia and Moldova

Cyber Espionage Group XDSpy Targets Companies in Russia and Moldova

Jul 31, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
Companies in Russia and Moldova have been the target of a phishing campaign orchestrated by a little-known cyber espionage group known as XDSpy . The findings come from cybersecurity firm F.A.C.C.T., which said the infection chains lead to the deployment of a malware called DSDownloader. The activity was observed this month, it added. XDSpy is a threat actor of indeterminate origin that was first uncovered by the Belarusian Computer Emergency Response Team, CERT.BY, in February 2020. A subsequent analysis by ESET attributed the group to information-stealing attacks aimed at government agencies in Eastern Europe and the Balkans since 2011. Attack chains mounted by the adversary are known to leverage spear-phishing emails in order to infiltrate their targets with a main malware module known as XDDown that, in turn, drops additional plugins for gathering system information, enumerating C: drive, monitoring external drives, exfiltrating local files, and gathering passwords. Ove
'Stargazer Goblin' Creates 3,000 Fake GitHub Accounts for Malware Spread

'Stargazer Goblin' Creates 3,000 Fake GitHub Accounts for Malware Spread

Jul 29, 2024 Malware / Network Security
A threat actor known as Stargazer Goblin has set up a network of inauthentic GitHub accounts to fuel a Distribution-as-a-Service (DaaS) that propagates a variety of information-stealing malware and netting them $100,000 in illicit profits over the past year. The network, which comprises over 3,000 accounts on the cloud-based code hosting platform, spans thousands of repositories that are used to share malicious links or malware, per Check Point, which has dubbed it "Stargazers Ghost Network." Some of the malware families propagated using this method include Atlantida Stealer, Rhadamanthys, RisePro, Lumma Stealer, and RedLine, with the bogus accounts also engaged in starring, forking, watching, and subscribing to malicious repositories to give them a veneer of legitimacy. The network is believed to have been active since August 2022 in some preliminary form, although an advertisement for the DaaS wasn't spotted in the dark until early July 2023. "Threat actors no
Gh0st RAT Trojan Targets Chinese Windows Users via Fake Chrome Site

Gh0st RAT Trojan Targets Chinese Windows Users via Fake Chrome Site

Jul 29, 2024 Cybersecurity / Cyber Espionage
The remote access trojan known as Gh0st RAT has been observed being delivered by an "evasive dropper" called Gh0stGambit as part of a drive-by download scheme targeting Chinese-speaking Windows users. These infections stem from a fake website ("chrome-web[.]com") serving malicious installer packages masquerading as Google's Chrome browser, indicating that users searching for the software on the web are being singled out. Gh0st RAT is a long-standing malware that has been observed in the wild since 2008, manifesting in the form of different variants over the years in campaigns primarily orchestrated by China-nexus cyberespionage groups. Some iterations of the trojan have also been previously deployed by infiltrating poorly-secured MS SQL server instances, using it as a conduit to install the Hidden open-source rootkit. According to cybersecurity firm eSentire, which discovered the latest activity, the targeting of Chinese-speaking users is based on &quo
This AI-Powered Cybercrime Service Bundles Phishing Kits with Malicious Android Apps

This AI-Powered Cybercrime Service Bundles Phishing Kits with Malicious Android Apps

Jul 26, 2024 Cybercrime / Mobile Security
A Spanish-speaking cybercrime group named GXC Team has been observed bundling phishing kits with malicious Android applications, taking malware-as-a-service (MaaS) offerings to the next level. Singaporean cybersecurity company Group-IB, which has been tracking the e-crime actor since January 2023, described the crimeware solution as a "sophisticated AI-powered phishing-as-a-service platform" capable of targeting users of more than 36 Spanish banks, governmental bodies, and 30 institutions worldwide. The phishing kit is priced anywhere between $150 and $900 a month, whereas the bundle including the phishing kit and Android malware is available on a subscription basis for about $500 per month. Targets of the campaign include users of Spanish financial institutions, as well as tax and governmental services, e-commerce, banks, and cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, and Brazil. As many as 288 phishing domains linked to the activity ha
CrowdStrike Warns of New Phishing Scam Targeting German Customers

CrowdStrike Warns of New Phishing Scam Targeting German Customers

Jul 26, 2024 Enterprise Security / Network Security
CrowdStrike is alerting about an unfamiliar threat actor attempting to capitalize on the Falcon Sensor update fiasco to distribute dubious installers targeting German customers as part of a highly targeted campaign. The cybersecurity company said it identified what it described as an unattributed spear-phishing attempt on July 24, 2024, distributing an inauthentic CrowdStrike Crash Reporter installer via a website impersonating an unnamed German entity. The imposter website is said to have been created on July 20, a day after the botched update crashed nearly 9 million Windows devices, causing extensive IT disruptions across the world. "After the user clicks the Download button, the website leverages JavaScript (JS) that masquerades as JQuery v3.7.1 to download and deobfuscate the installer," CrowdStrike's Counter Adversary Operations team said . "The installer contains CrowdStrike branding, German localization, and a password [is] required to continue install
Patchwork Hackers Target Bhutan with Advanced Brute Ratel C4 Tool

Patchwork Hackers Target Bhutan with Advanced Brute Ratel C4 Tool

Jul 24, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
The threat actor known as Patchwork has been linked to a cyber attack targeting entities with ties to Bhutan to deliver the Brute Ratel C4 framework and an updated version of a backdoor called PGoShell. The development marks the first time the adversary has been observed using the red teaming software, the Knownsec 404 Team said in an analysis published last week. The activity cluster, also called APT-C-09, Dropping Elephant, Operation Hangover, Viceroy Tiger, and Zinc Emerson, is a state-sponsored actor likely of Indian origin. Known for conducting spear-phishing and watering hole attacks against China and Pakistan, the hacking crew is believed to be active since at least 2009, according to data shared by Chinese cybersecurity firm QiAnXin. Last July, Knownsec 404 disclosed details of an espionage campaign aimed at universities and research organizations in China that leveraged a .NET-based implant codenamed EyeShell to fetch and execute commands from an attacker-controlled
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