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Category — Security Automation
EPSS vs. CVSS: What’s the Best Approach to Vulnerability Prioritization?

EPSS vs. CVSS: What's the Best Approach to Vulnerability Prioritization?

Sep 26, 2024 Vulnerability Management / Security Automation
Many businesses rely on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) to assess the severity of vulnerabilities for prioritization. While these scores provide some insight into the potential impact of a vulnerability, they don't factor in real-world threat data, such as the likelihood of exploitation. With new vulnerabilities discovered daily, teams don't have the time - or the budget - to waste on fixing vulnerabilities that won't actually reduce risk. Read on to learn more about how CVSS and EPSS compare and why using EPSS is a game changer for your vulnerability prioritization process.  What is vulnerability prioritization? Vulnerability prioritization is the process of evaluating and ranking vulnerabilities based on the potential impact they could have on an organization. The goal is to help security teams determine which vulnerabilities should be addressed, in what timeframe, or if they need to be fixed at all. This process ensures that the most critical risks are mitigated b
Agentic AI in SOCs: A Solution to SOAR's Unfulfilled Promises

Agentic AI in SOCs: A Solution to SOAR's Unfulfilled Promises

Sep 25, 2024 Artificial Intelligence / SOC Automation
Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) was introduced with the promise of revolutionizing Security Operations Centers (SOCs) through automation, reducing manual workloads and enhancing efficiency. However, despite three generations of technology and 10 years of advancements, SOAR hasn't fully delivered on its potential, leaving SOCs still grappling with many of the same challenges. Enter Agentic AI—a new approach that could finally fulfill the SOC's long-awaited vision, providing a more dynamic and adaptive solution to automate SOC operations effectively. Three Generations of SOAR – Still Falling Short SOAR emerged in the mid-2010s with companies like PhantomCyber, Demisto, and Swimlane, promising to automate SOC tasks, improve productivity, and shorten response times. Despite these ambitions, SOAR found its greatest success in automating generalized tasks like threat intel propagation, rather than core threat detection, investigation, and response (TDIR) workloads.
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Webinar: Experience the Power of a Must-Have All-in-One Cybersecurity Platform

Webinar: Experience the Power of a Must-Have All-in-One Cybersecurity Platform

Aug 23, 2024 Threat Detection / Security Automation
Let's be honest. The world of cybersecurity feels like a constant war zone. You're bombarded by threats, scrambling to keep up with patches, and drowning in an endless flood of alerts. It's exhausting, isn't it? But what if there was a better way? Imagine having every essential cybersecurity tool at your fingertips, all within a single, intuitive platform, backed by expert support 24/7. This is the game-changing power of an All-in-One solution. Get ready for a live, no-nonsense demonstration. Join us for the webinar " Step by Step: How to Achieve Total Protection with an All-in-One Platform ," where Cynet's experts—celebrated for their stellar performance in the MITRE ATT&CK Evaluations—will take you inside a live simulation of real-world cyberattacks. Experience firsthand the unparalleled strength of a unified cybersecurity approach and learn how to secure total protection for your organization. Here's what you'll witness: Simulating real-world t
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
Enhancing Incident Response Readiness with Wazuh

Enhancing Incident Response Readiness with Wazuh

Aug 05, 2024 Threat Detection / Network Security
Incident response is a structured approach to managing and addressing security breaches or cyber-attacks. Security teams must overcome challenges such as timely detection, comprehensive data collection, and coordinated actions to enhance readiness. Improving these areas ensures a swift and effective response, minimizing damage and restoring normal operations quickly. Challenges in incident response Incident response presents several challenges that must be addressed to ensure a swift and effective recovery from cyber attacks. The following section lists some of these challenges. Timeliness : One of the primary challenges in incident response is addressing incidents quickly enough to minimize damage. Delays in response can lead to more compromises and increased recovery costs. Information correlation : Security teams often struggle to effectively collect and correlate relevant data. Without a comprehensive view, understanding the full scope and impact of the incident becomes difficu
How To Get the Most From Your Security Team’s Email Alert Budget

How To Get the Most From Your Security Team's Email Alert Budget

Jul 31, 2024 Email Security / Data Protection
We'll TL;DR the FUDdy introduction: we all know that phishing attacks are on the rise in scale and complexity, that AI is enabling more sophisticated attacks that evade traditional defenses, and the never-ending cybersecurity talent gap means we're all struggling to keep security teams fully staffed.  Given that reality, security teams need to be able to monitor and respond to threats effectively and efficiently. You obviously can't let real threats slip past unnoticed, but you also can't afford to waste time chasing false positives.  In this post, we're going to look at some of the ways Material Security 's unique approach to email security and data protection can dramatically–and quantifiably–save your security teams hours each week while improving the effectiveness of your security program.  What's Your Alert Budget? Before we dive into the "how," let's take a moment to look at why efficiency is critical in security operations. To do that, let's think about how many alerts can
How to Use Tines's SOC Automation Capability Matrix

How to Use Tines's SOC Automation Capability Matrix

Jun 21, 2024 SOC Automation / Security Operation
Created by John Tuckner and the team at automation and AI-powered workflow platform  Tines , the  SOC Automation Capability Matrix (SOC ACM)  is a set of techniques designed to help security operations teams understand their automation capabilities and respond more effectively to incidents.  A customizable, vendor-agnostic tool featuring lists of automation opportunities, it's been shared and recommended by members of the security community since its launch in January 2023, notably by Airbnb engineer Allyn Stott in his BSides and Black Hat talk,  How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Build a Modern Detection & Response Program .   The SOC ACM has been compared to the MITRE ATT&CK and RE&CT frameworks, with one user saying, "it could be a standard for classification of SOAR automations, a bit like the RE&CT framework, but with more automation focus." It's been used by organizations in Fintech, Cloud Security, and beyond, as a basis for assessing and optimizing
From 500 to 5000 Employees - Securing 3rd Party App-Usage in Mid-Market Companies

From 500 to 5000 Employees - Securing 3rd Party App-Usage in Mid-Market Companies

Mar 04, 2024 SaaS Security / Vulnerability Assessment
A company's lifecycle stage, size, and state have a significant impact on its security needs, policies, and priorities. This is particularly true for modern mid-market companies that are either experiencing or have experienced rapid growth. As requirements and tasks continue to accumulate and malicious actors remain active around the clock, budgets are often stagnant at best. Yet, it is crucial to keep track of the tools and solutions that employees are introducing, the data and know-how shared through these tools, and to ensure that these processes are secure. This need is even more pronounced in today's dynamic and interconnected world, where third-party applications and solutions can be easily accessed and onboarded. The potential damage of losing control over the numerous applications with access and permissions to your data requires no explanation. Security leaders in mid-market companies face a unique set of challenges that demand a distinct approach to overcome.  To begin
Why the Right Metrics Matter When it Comes to Vulnerability Management

Why the Right Metrics Matter When it Comes to Vulnerability Management

Feb 01, 2024 Vulnerability Management / Cyber Hygiene
How's your vulnerability management program doing? Is it effective? A success? Let's be honest, without the right metrics or analytics, how can you tell how well you're doing, progressing, or if you're getting ROI? If you're not measuring, how do you know it's working? And even if you are measuring, faulty reporting or focusing on the wrong metrics can create blind spots and make it harder to communicate any risks to the rest of the business. So how do you know what to focus on? Cyber hygiene, scan coverage, average time to fix, vulnerability severity, remediation rates, vulnerability exposure… the list is endless. Every tool on the market offers different metrics, so it can be hard to know what is important. This article will help you identify and define the key metrics that you need to track the state of your vulnerability management program, the progress you've made, so you can create audit-ready reports that: Prove your security posture Meet vulnerability remediation SLAs an
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