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Category — SIlverfort
From Breach to Recovery: Designing an Identity-Focused Incident Response Playbook

From Breach to Recovery: Designing an Identity-Focused Incident Response Playbook

Sep 16, 2024 Identity Protection / Incident Response
Imagine this... You arrive at work to a chaotic scene. Systems are down, panic is in the air. The culprit? Not a rogue virus, but a compromised identity. The attacker is inside your walls, masquerading as a trusted user. This isn't a horror movie, it's the new reality of cybercrime. The question is, are you prepared? Traditional incident response plans are like old maps in a new world. They focus on malware and network breaches, but today's criminals are after your identities. Stolen credentials, and weak access points - these are the keys to your kingdom. While there's a playbook for handling malware outbreaks, the 'identity' chapter is often missing. Organizations struggle to identify compromised accounts and stop attackers from moving laterally within their systems. The result? A breach that spirals out of control, causing massive damage. The Solution: An Identity-Focused Incident Response Playbook This isn't just another security buzzword, it'
Webinar Alert: Learn How ITDR Solutions Stop Sophisticated Identity Attacks

Webinar Alert: Learn How ITDR Solutions Stop Sophisticated Identity Attacks

Jul 05, 2024 Cybersecurity / Identity Protection
Identity theft isn't just about stolen credit cards anymore. Today, cybercriminals are using advanced tactics to infiltrate organizations and cause major damage with compromised credentials. The stakes are high: ransomware attacks, lateral movement, and devastating data breaches. Don't be caught off guard. Join us for a groundbreaking webinar that will change the way you approach cybersecurity. Gain insider knowledge on Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) , the latest technology designed to protect your identity like never before. In this power-packed session, you'll discover: Hidden Vulnerabilities in Your Security: Learn why traditional solutions are falling short and how ITDR fills these critical gaps. Top Features of ITDR Solutions: Get an insider's perspective on what sets the best ITDR solutions apart. ITDR in Action: See real-world scenarios where ITDR has thwarted sophisticated identity-based attacks. Future Trends in Identity Security: Stay a
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Webinar: Learn How to Stop Hackers from Exploiting Hidden Identity Weaknesses

Webinar: Learn How to Stop Hackers from Exploiting Hidden Identity Weaknesses

Apr 10, 2024 Webinar / Identity Security
We all know passwords and firewalls are important, but what about the invisible threats lurking beneath the surface of your systems? Identity Threat Exposures (ITEs) are like secret tunnels for hackers – they make your security way more vulnerable than you think. Think of it like this: misconfigurations, forgotten accounts, and old settings are like cracks in your digital fortress walls. Hackers exploit these weaknesses to steal login information, gain sneaky access, and move around your systems unnoticed, whether they're in the cloud or on-site. This upcoming webinar,  " Today's Top 4 Identity Security Threat Exposures: Are You Vulnerable? "  isn't just for tech experts—it's about protecting your business.  We'll use real-world examples and insights from Silverfort's latest report to show you the hidden dangers of ITEs. You'll learn about: The Top 4 Identity Threats You Might Be Overlooking:  We'll name them and explain why they're
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
Learn How to Build an Incident Response Playbook Against Scattered Spider in Real-Time

Learn How to Build an Incident Response Playbook Against Scattered Spider in Real-Time

Feb 20, 2024 Webinar / Incident Response
In the tumultuous landscape of cybersecurity, the year 2023 left an indelible mark with the brazen exploits of the Scattered Spider threat group. Their attacks targeted the nerve centers of major financial and insurance institutions, culminating in what stands as one of the most impactful ransomware assaults in recent memory.  When organizations have no response plan in place for such an attack, it can become overwhelming attempting to prioritize the next steps that will have a compounding impact on the threat actor's ability to retain access to and control over a compromised network. Silverfort's threat research team interacted closely with the identity threats used by Scattered Spider. and in fact, built a response playbook in real time to respond to an active Scattered Spider attack. This webinar will dissect the real-life scenario in which they were called upon to build and execute a response plan while attackers were moving inside an organization's hybrid environme
Why Are Compromised Identities the Nightmare to IR Speed and Efficiency?

Why Are Compromised Identities the Nightmare to IR Speed and Efficiency?

Feb 12, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Cyber Resilience
Incident response (IR) is a race against time. You engage your internal or external team because there's enough evidence that something bad is happening, but you're still blind to the scope, the impact, and the root cause. The common set of IR tools and practices provides IR teams with the ability to discover malicious files and outbound network connections. However, the identity aspect - namely the pinpointing of compromised user accounts that were used to spread in your network - unfortunately remains unattended. This task proves to be the most time-consuming for IR teams and has become a challenging uphill battle that enables attackers to earn precious time in which they can still inflict damage.  In this article, we analyze the root cause of the identity of IR blind spots and provide sample IR scenarios in which it acts as an inhibitor to a rapid and efficient process. We then introduce Silverfort's Unified Identity Protection Platform and show how its real-time MFA and ident
Product Walkthrough: Silverfort's Unified Identity Protection Platform

Product Walkthrough: Silverfort's Unified Identity Protection Platform

Nov 20, 2023 Identity Protection / Enterprise Security
In this article, we will provide a brief overview of Silverfort's platform, the first (and currently only) unified identity protection platform on the market. Silverfort's patented technology aims to protect organizations from identity-based attacks by integrating with existing identity and access management solutions, such as AD (Active Directory) and cloud-based services, and extending secure access controls like Risk-Based Authentication and MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) to all their resources. This includes on-prem and cloud resources, legacy systems, command-line tools and service accounts. A recent report by Silverfort and Osterman Research revealed that  83% of organizations worldwide have experienced data breaches due to compromised credentials . Many organizations admit that they are underprotected against identity-based attacks, such as lateral movement and ransomware. Resources like command-line access tools and legacy systems, which are widely used, are particular
Think Your MFA and PAM Solutions Protect You? Think Again

Think Your MFA and PAM Solutions Protect You? Think Again

Sep 18, 2023 Identity Threat / Attack Surface
When you roll out a security product, you assume it will fulfill its purpose. Unfortunately, however, this often turns out not to be the case. A new report, produced by Osterman Research and commissioned by Silverfort, reveals that MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) and PAM (Privileged Access Management) solutions are almost never deployed comprehensively enough to provide resilience to identity threats. As well, service accounts – which are typically beyond the scope of protection of these controls – are alarmingly exposed to malicious compromise. These findings and many more can be found in  "The State of the Identity Attack Surface: Insights Into Critical Protection Gaps ,"  the first report that analyzes organizational resilience to identity threats.  What is the "Identity Attack Surface"?  The identity attack surface is any organizational resource that can be accessed via username and password. The main way that attackers target this attack surface is through the use of compromi
Way Too Vulnerable: Join this Webinar to Understand and Strengthen Identity Attack Surface

Way Too Vulnerable: Join this Webinar to Understand and Strengthen Identity Attack Surface

Sep 05, 2023 Attack Surface / Identity Threats
In today's digital age, it's not just about being online but how securely your organization operates online. Regardless of size or industry, every organization heavily depends on digital assets. The digital realm is where business takes place, from financial transactions to confidential data storage. While organizations have quickly adopted tools like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Privileged Access Management (PAM), and service account protection, a pressing question remains: Are these measures truly sufficient? With the rise of identity threats, the real battleground has shifted. It's no longer just about firewalls or encryptions but the very identities that access these digital assets. Every day, attackers devise new strategies to compromise user identities to find that weak link to gain malicious access. The tools we've come to rely on might not be as foolproof as we once believed. Many organizations remain unaware of vast security gaps, exposing them to pot
It's a Zero-day? It's Malware? No! It's Username and Password

It's a Zero-day? It's Malware? No! It's Username and Password

Sep 01, 2023 Unified Identity Protection
As cyber threats continue to evolve, adversaries are deploying a range of tools to breach security defenses and compromise sensitive data. Surprisingly, one of the most potent weapons in their arsenal is not malicious code but simply stolen or weak usernames and passwords. This article explores the seriousness of compromised credentials, the challenges they present to security solutions, and the importance of implementing robust measures to protect Active Directory (AD) environments. Additionally, we introduce Silverfort Unified Identity Protection , a comprehensive solution that offers enhanced security for AD environments against the misuse of compromised credentials. The Power of Stolen Credentials: Full Access to Any Resource  In the world of cyberattacks, stolen usernames and passwords are a highly effective means of gaining unauthorized access to networks and systems. They grant adversaries an entry point, allowing them subsequent access to sensitive on-prem and cloud resource
Webinar - Making PAM Great Again: Solving the Top 5 Identity Team PAM Challenges

Webinar - Making PAM Great Again: Solving the Top 5 Identity Team PAM Challenges

Aug 04, 2023
Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions are widely acknowledged as the gold standard for securing critical privileged accounts. However, many security and identity teams face inherent obstacles during the PAM journey, hindering these solutions from reaching their full potential. These challenges deprive organizations of the resilience they seek, making it essential to address them effectively. Discover how you can enhance your PAM strategy in our upcoming webinar: " Solving the Top 5 PAM Pain Points Plaguing Identity Teams ," featuring Yiftach Keshet from Silverfort. Reserve your spot now [Register here] to gain invaluable insights. Gain insights into: Key Challenges: Identify the primary challenges identity teams encounter when implementing PAM solutions. Solutions & Approaches: Discover different strategies to effectively overcome these challenges and enhance your security posture. Unified Identity Protection: Learn how combining Unified Identity Protectio
Dr. Active Directory vs. Mr. Exposed Attack Surface: Who'll Win This Fight?

Dr. Active Directory vs. Mr. Exposed Attack Surface: Who'll Win This Fight?

May 19, 2023 Threat Protection / Attack Surface
Active Directory (AD) is among the oldest pieces of software still used in the production environment and can be found in most organizations today. This is despite the fact that its historical security gaps have never been amended. For example, because of its inability to apply any security measures beyond checking for a password and username match, AD (as well the resources it manages) is dangerously exposed to the use of compromised credentials. Furthermore, this exposure is not confined to the on-prem environment. The common practice of syncing passwords between AD and the cloud identity provider means any AD breach is a potential risk to the SaaS environment as well. In this article, we'll explore AD's inherent security weaknesses and examine their scope and potential impact. We'll then learn how Silverfort's Unified Identity Protection platform can address these weaknesses at their root and provide organizations using AD with the resiliency they need to thwart identity threa
Wanted Dead or Alive: Real-Time Protection Against Lateral Movement

Wanted Dead or Alive: Real-Time Protection Against Lateral Movement

May 01, 2023 Cyber Threat / Authentication
Just a few short years ago, lateral movement was a tactic confined to top APT cybercrime organizations and nation-state operators. Today, however, it has become a commoditized tool, well within the skillset of any ransomware threat actor. This makes real-time detection and prevention of lateral movement a necessity to organizations of all sizes and across all industries. But the disturbing truth is that there is actually no tool in the current security stack that can provide this real-time protection, creating what is arguably the most critical security weakness in an organization's security architecture.  In this article, we'll walk through the most essentials questions around the challenge of lateral movement protection, understand why multifactor authentication (MFA) and service account protection are the gaps that make it possible, and learn how Silverfort's platform turns the tables on attackers and makes lateral movement protection finally within reach. Upcoming We
The Service Accounts Challenge: Can't See or Secure Them Until It's Too Late

The Service Accounts Challenge: Can't See or Secure Them Until It's Too Late

Apr 12, 2023 Service Account Security
Here's a hard question to answer: 'How many service accounts do you have in your environment?'. A harder one is: 'Do you know what these accounts are doing?'. And the hardest is probably: 'If any of your service account was compromised and used to access resources would you be able to detect and stop that in real-time?'.  Since most identity and security teams would provide a negative reply, it's no wonder that  one of the immediate actions today's attackers are doing following an initial endpoint compromised is hunting down unwatched service accounts.  And it's even less of a wonder that in most cases, they would succeed in finding one and leveraging it to spread within the entire environment, getting noticed only when it's too late – after workstations and server got encrypted by ransomware or sensitive data was stolen.  In this article, we unfold the reasons that have caused service accounts to become one of the most dangerous weaknesse
"It's The Service Accounts, Stupid": Why Do PAM Deployments Take (almost) Forever To Complete?

"It's The Service Accounts, Stupid": Why Do PAM Deployments Take (almost) Forever To Complete?

Apr 03, 2023 Privileged Access Management
Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions are regarded as the common practice to prevent identity threats to administrative accounts. In theory, the PAM concept makes absolute sense: place admin credentials in a vault, rotate their passwords, and closely monitor their sessions. However, the harsh reality is that the vast majority of PAM projects either become a years-long project, or even come to a halt altogether, preventing them from delivering their promised security value. In this article, we explore what makes  service accounts a key obstacle in PAM onboarding . We'll learn why vaulting and password rotation of service accounts are an almost impossible task, resulting in leaving them exposed to compromise. We'll then conclude with introducing how Silverfort enables identity teams, for the first time, to overcome these challenges with automated discovery, monitoring, and protection of service accounts, and streamline PAM onboarding process in mere weeks. The PAM Promi
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