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Category — Vulnerability Scanning
Attack Surface Management vs. Vulnerability Management

Attack Surface Management vs. Vulnerability Management

Apr 03, 2024 Cybersecurity / Penetration Testing
Attack surface management (ASM) and vulnerability management (VM) are often confused, and while they overlap, they're not the same. The main difference between attack surface management and vulnerability management is in their scope: vulnerability management checks a list of known assets, while attack surface management assumes you have unknown assets and so begins with discovery. Let's look at both in more detail. What is vulnerability management? Vulnerability management is, at the simplest level, the use of automated tools to identify, prioritize and report on security issues and vulnerabilities in your digital infrastructure. Vulnerability management uses automated scanners to run regular, scheduled scans on assets within a known IP range to detect established and new vulnerabilities, so you can apply patches, remove vulnerabilities or mitigate any potential risks. These vulnerabilities tend to use a risk score or scale – such as CVSS – and risk calculations. Vulnerability sca
Scaling Security Operations with Automation

Scaling Security Operations with Automation

Dec 06, 2023 Threat Detection / Security Automation
In an increasingly complex and fast-paced digital landscape, organizations strive to protect themselves from various security threats. However, limited resources often hinder security teams when combatting these threats, making it difficult to keep up with the growing number of security incidents and alerts. Implementing automation throughout security operations helps security teams alleviate these challenges by streamlining repetitive tasks, reducing the risk of human error, and allowing them to focus on higher-value initiatives. While automation offers significant benefits, there is no foolproof method or process to guarantee success. Clear definitions, consistent implementation, and standardized processes are crucial for optimal results. Without guidelines, manual and time-consuming methods can undermine the effectiveness of automation.  This blog explores the challenges faced by security operations teams when implementing automation and the practical steps needed to build a stro
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
YoroTrooper: Researchers Warn of Kazakhstan's Stealthy Cyber Espionage Group

YoroTrooper: Researchers Warn of Kazakhstan's Stealthy Cyber Espionage Group

Oct 26, 2023 Endpoint Protection / Malware
A relatively new threat actor known as  YoroTrooper  is likely made up of operators originating from Kazakhstan. The assessment, which comes from Cisco Talos, is based on their fluency in Kazakh and Russian, use of Tenge to pay for operating infrastructure, and very limited targeting of Kazakhstani entities, barring the government's Anti-Corruption Agency. "YoroTrooper attempts to obfuscate the origin of their operations, employing various tactics to make its malicious activity appear to emanate from Azerbaijan, such as using VPN exit nodes local to that region," security researchers Asheer Malhotra and Vitor Ventura  said . First documented by the cybersecurity company in March 2023, the adversary is  known to be active  since at least June 2022, singling out various state-owned entities in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries. Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET is tracking the activity under the name  SturgeonPhisher . YoroTrooper's attack cycles
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
Why Vulnerability Scanning is Critical for SOC 2

Why Vulnerability Scanning is Critical for SOC 2

Sep 12, 2022
SOC 2 may be a voluntary standard, but for today's security-conscious business, it's a minimal requirement when considering a SaaS provider. Compliance can be a long and complicated process, but a scanner like  Intruder  makes it easy to tick the vulnerability management box. Security is critical for all organisations, including those that outsource key business operations to third parties like SaaS vendors and cloud providers. Rightfully so, since mishandled data – especially by application and network security providers – can leave organisations vulnerable to attacks, such as data theft, extortion and malware. But how secure are the third parties you've entrusted with your data? SOC 2 is a framework that ensures these service providers securely manage data to protect their customers and clients. For security-conscious businesses – and security should be a priority for every business today – SOC 2 is now a minimal requirement when considering a SaaS provider. What SOC
Penetration Testing or Vulnerability Scanning? What's the Difference?

Penetration Testing or Vulnerability Scanning? What's the Difference?

Aug 18, 2022
Pentesting and vulnerability scanning are often confused for the same service. The problem is, business owners often use one when they really need the other. Let's dive in and explain the differences. People frequently confuse penetration testing and vulnerability scanning, and it's easy to see why. Both look for weaknesses in your IT infrastructure by exploring your systems in the same way an actual hacker would. However, there is a very important distinction between the two - and when each is the better option. Manual or automated? Penetration testing is a  manual  security assessment where cyber security professional attempts to find a way to break into your systems. It's a hands-on, in-depth test to evaluate security controls across a variety of systems, including web application, network and cloud environments. This kind of testing could take several weeks to complete, and due to its complexity and cost, is commonly carried out once a year. Vulnerability scanning,
Difference Between Agent-Based and Network-Based Internal Vulnerability Scanning

Difference Between Agent-Based and Network-Based Internal Vulnerability Scanning

Jun 16, 2022
For years, the two most popular methods for internal scanning: agent-based and network-based were considered to be about equal in value, each bringing its own strengths to bear. However, with remote working now the norm in most if not all workplaces, it feels a lot more like agent-based scanning is a must, while network-based scanning is an optional extra. This article will go in-depth on the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, but let's wind it back a second for those who aren't sure why they should even do internal scanning in the first place. Why should you perform internal vulnerability scanning? While  external vulnerability scanning  can give a great overview of what you look like to a hacker, the information that can be gleaned without access to your systems can be limited. Some serious vulnerabilities can be discovered at this stage, so it's a must for many organizations, but that's not where hackers stop.  Techniques like phishing, targeted malware,
WebARX — A Defensive Core For Your Website

WebARX — A Defensive Core For Your Website

Sep 12, 2019
Estonian based web security startup WebARX, the company who is also behind open-source plugin vulnerability scanner WPBullet and soon-to-be-released bug bounty platform plugbounty.com , has a big vision for a safer web. It built a defensive core for websites which is embedded deep inside the company's DNA as even ARX in their name refers to the citadel (the core fortified area of a town or city) in Latin. WebARX—web application security platform—allows web developers and digital agencies to get advanced website security integrated with every site and makes it more effective and less time-consuming to manage security across multiple websites. You can find reviews such as "WebARX - the Swiss army knife that secures my websites!", "The security software that I use every day," "Many Promise - WebARX Delivers" from their Trustpilot page, so where is all that coming from? Serious Team With A Unique Focus WebARX is solving a very specific probl
Hacker Distributes Backdoored IoT Vulnerability Scanning Script to Hack Script Kiddies

Hacker Distributes Backdoored IoT Vulnerability Scanning Script to Hack Script Kiddies

Nov 09, 2017
Nothing is free in this world. If you are searching for free hacking tools on the Internet, then beware—most freely available tools, claiming to be the swiss army knife for hackers, are nothing but a scam. For example, Cobian RAT and a Facebook hacking tool that we previously reported on The Hacker News actually could hack, but of the one who uses them and not the one you desire to hack. Now, a security researcher has spotted another hacking tool—this time a PHP script—which is freely available on multiple popular underground hacking forums and allows anyone to find vulnerable internet-connected IP Cameras running the vulnerable version of GoAhead embedded web-server. However, after closely analysing the scanning script, Newsky Security researcher Ankit Anubhav found that the tool also contains a secret backdoor, which essentially allows its creator to " hack the hacker. " "For an attacker's point of view, it can be very beneficial to hack a hacker,"
Yahoo! Launches Free Web Application Security Scanner

Yahoo! Launches Free Web Application Security Scanner

Sep 26, 2015
Yahoo! has open-sourced Gryffin – a Web Application Security Scanner – in an aim to improve the safety of the Web for everyone. Currently in its beta, Project Gryffin has made available on Github under the BSD-style license that Yahoo! has been using for a number of its open-sourced projects. Gryffin is basically a Go & JavaScript platform that helps system administrators scan URLs for malicious web content and common security vulnerabilities, including SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) . Yahoo! describes Gryffin as a large-scale Web security scanning platform, which is more than just a scanner, as it is designed to address two specific problems: Coverage Scale Scale is obviously implied for large Web, while Coverage has two dimensions – Crawl and Fuzzing . Crawl's ability is to find as much of the Web application's footprint as possible, whereas Fuzzing involves testing each part of the application's components for an applied se
Make your website Safe for Online Buyers with Qualys SECURE Seal

Make your website Safe for Online Buyers with Qualys SECURE Seal

Oct 23, 2012
The number one concern of Internet users is that a web site will keep personal information safe and secure. If you are a site owner, giving importance to security is not only for your own protection but for your users' as well. Despite you have the right to set contents to your contracts and terms of service, you still have a portion of liabilities in case your user encountered information and financial thefts as he perform activities within your website. E-commerce usually involves the processing of credit cards and sensitive customer information so security is very important. Online communities and ecommerce websites are mostly the target places of hackers. Toward this end, many users look for a website to display a third party seal as evidence of security. Using a web site seal is a good idea. But providing true web site security requires more than just a seal it also requires using several kinds of security controls managed by a security program to back the seal's p
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