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Category — Wing Security
Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Jun 13, 2024 SaaS Security / Shadow IT
Recent supply chain cyber-attacks are prompting cyber security regulations in the financial sector to tighten compliance requirements, and other industries are expected to follow. Many companies still don't have efficient methods to manage related time-sensitive SaaS security and compliance tasks. Free SaaS risk assessment tools are an easy and practical way to bring visibility and initial control to SaaS sprawl and Shadow AI. These tools now offer incremental upgrades , helping security professionals meet their company budget or maturity level.  Regulatory pressure, SaaS and AI proliferation, and increased risk of breaches or data leaks through 3rd party apps, make SaaS security one of the hottest areas for practitioners to learn and adopt. New regulations will require robust third-party SaaS risk lifecycle management that begins with SaaS service discovery and third-party risk management (TPRM) and ends with the requirement from CISOs to report incidents in their supply chain
How Nation-State Actors Target Your Business: New Research Exposes Major SaaS Vulnerabilities

How Nation-State Actors Target Your Business: New Research Exposes Major SaaS Vulnerabilities

Feb 15, 2024 SaaS Security / Risk Management
With many of the highly publicized 2023 cyber attacks revolving around one or more SaaS applications, SaaS has become a cause for genuine concern in many boardroom discussions. More so than ever, considering that GenAI applications are, in fact, SaaS applications. Wing Security (Wing), a SaaS security company, conducted an analysis of 493 SaaS-using companies in Q4 of 2023.  Their study reveals  how companies use SaaS today, and the wide variety of threats that result from that usage. This unique analysis provides rare and important insights into the breadth and depth of SaaS-related risks, but also provides practical tips to mitigate them and ensure SaaS can be widely used without compromising security posture.  The TL;DR Version Of SaaS Security 2023 brought some now infamous examples of malicious players leveraging or directly targeting SaaS, including the North Korean group UNC4899, 0ktapus ransomware group, and Russian Midnight Blizzard APT, which targeted well-known organizat
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
This Free Discovery Tool Finds and Mitigates AI-SaaS Risks

This Free Discovery Tool Finds and Mitigates AI-SaaS Risks

Jan 17, 2024 SaaS Security / Machine Learning
Wing Security announced today that it now offers  free discovery and a paid tier for automated control  over thousands of AI and AI-powered SaaS applications. This will allow companies to better protect their intellectual property (IP) and data against the growing and evolving risks of AI usage. SaaS applications seem to be multiplying by the day, and so does their integration of AI capabilities. According to Wing Security, a SaaS security company that researched over 320 companies, a staggering 83.2% use GenAI applications. While this statistic might not come as a surprise, the research showed that 99.7% of organizations use SaaS applications that leverage AI capabilities to deliver their services. This usage of GenAI in SaaS applications that are not 'pure' AI often goes unnoticed by security teams and users alike. 70% of the most popular GenAI applications may use your data to train their models, and in many cases it's completely up to you to configure it differently
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
When Email Security Meets SaaS Security: Uncovering Risky Auto-Forwarding Rules

When Email Security Meets SaaS Security: Uncovering Risky Auto-Forwarding Rules

Nov 09, 2023 Email Security / SaaS Security
While intended for convenience and efficient communication, email auto-forwarding rules can inadvertently lead to the unauthorized dissemination of sensitive information to external entities, putting confidential data at risk of exposure to unauthorized parties. Wing Security (Wing), a SaaS security company,  announced yesterday  that their SaaS shadow IT discovery methods now include a solution that solves for auto-email forwarding as well. While Wing's shadow IT solution is  offered as a free tool  that can be onboarded and used as a self-service, users willing to upgrade will be able to enjoy the company's new Gmail and Outlook integrations, which broaden the company's discovery capabilities and extend their data security features. The risks of email auto-forwarding rules Auto-forwarding emails is a great way to save time on repetitive tasks and are therefore very popular among employees who regularly collaborate and share information with external business partners.
SaaS Security is Now Accessible and Affordable to All

SaaS Security is Now Accessible and Affordable to All

Nov 02, 2023 SaaS Security / Software
This new product offers SaaS discovery and risk assessment coupled with a free user access review in a unique "freemium" model Securing employees' SaaS usage is becoming increasingly crucial for most cloud-based organizations. While numerous tools are available to address this need, they often employ different approaches and technologies, leading to unnecessary confusion and complexity. Enter Wing Security's new " Essential SSPM " (SaaS Security Posture Management) tool, which aims to simplify the process of securing SaaS usage across the organization. Its business approach is simple: self-onboard, try the product, and if impressed, upgrade to unlock more vital security capabilities.  What's essential SaaS security? According to Wing, three basic yet fundamental capabilities are necessary for organizations aiming to secure their SaaS: discovery, assessment, and control. These align with regulatory security standards such as ISO 27001 and SOC, which emphasize vendo
Wing Disrupts the Market by Introducing Affordable SaaS Security

Wing Disrupts the Market by Introducing Affordable SaaS Security

Oct 04, 2023 SaaS Security / Enterprise Security
Today, mid-sized companies and their CISOs are struggling to handle the growing threat of SaaS security with limited manpower and tight budgets. Now, this may be changing. By focusing on the critical SaaS security needs of these companies, a new approach has emerged that can be  launched for $1,500 a year . If the name Wing Security (Wing) rings a bell, it is probably because earlier this year, they made waves by offering SaaS shadow IT discovery  completely for free . Today, Wing is once again aiming to disrupt the SaaS security market by offering a new tier that the company claims to be 'The essential SaaS security level that every company should achieve.'  The  new product tier  focuses on SaaS shadow IT discovery, automated vendor risk assessments, and the ability to easily perform user access reviews on dozens of critical business applications. Wing also provides the ability to generate compliance-ready access reports that customers can then send to their auditor. The c
Defend Against Insider Threats: Join this Webinar on SaaS Security Posture Management

Defend Against Insider Threats: Join this Webinar on SaaS Security Posture Management

Jul 14, 2023 SaaS Security / Cybersecurity
As security practices continue to evolve, one primary concern persists in the minds of security professionals—the risk of employees unintentionally or deliberately exposing vital information. Insider threats, whether originating from deliberate actions or accidental incidents, pose a significant challenge to safeguarding sensitive data. To effectively address insider risks, organizations must adopt a holistic approach that encompasses technical, procedural, and human elements. While access controls, encryption, and monitoring systems are crucial for identifying and mitigating unauthorized access and suspicious activities, the increasing prevalence of cloud-based environments and the surge in SaaS application usage demand a fresh perspective on Insider Risk Management from a SaaS security standpoint. Stay ahead of the game by embracing the SaaS security lens. Join us for an enlightening webinar where we will demonstrate how security practitioners can proactively adapt their approach
3 Reasons SaaS Security is the Imperative First Step to Ensuring Secure AI Usage

3 Reasons SaaS Security is the Imperative First Step to Ensuring Secure AI Usage

Jun 30, 2023 SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence,
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the widespread adoption of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools is transforming the way organizations operate. From chatbots to generative AI models, these SaaS-based applications offer numerous benefits, from enhanced productivity to improved decision-making. Employees using AI tools experience the advantages of quick answers and accurate results, enabling them to perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently. This popularity is reflected in the staggering numbers associated with AI tools.  OpenAI's viral chatbot, ChatGPT, has amassed approximately 100 million users worldwide, while other generative AI tools like DALL·E and Bard have also gained significant traction for their ability to generate impressive content effortlessly. The generative AI market is projected to exceed $22 billion by 2025,  indicating the growing reliance on AI technologies. However, amidst the enthusiasm surrounding AI adoption, it is imperative to address
Study: 84% of Companies Use Breached SaaS Applications - Here's How to Fix it for Free!

Study: 84% of Companies Use Breached SaaS Applications - Here's How to Fix it for Free!

Apr 24, 2023 SaaS Security
A recent review by Wing Security, a SaaS security company that analyzed the data of over 500 companies,  revealed some worrisome information . According to this review, 84% of the companies had employees using an average of 3.5 SaaS applications that were breached in the previous 3 months. While this is concerning, it isn't much of a surprise. The exponential growth in SaaS usage has security and IT teams struggling to keep up with which SaaS applications are being used and how. This isn't to say that SaaS should be avoided or blocked; on the contrary, SaaS applications must be used to ensure business growth. But using them has to be done with some level of caution. Determining which SaaS applications are risky The most intuitive risk factor to determining whether an application is risky is looking it up and seeing if it has been breached. SaaS applications are clearly a target as we see more and more SaaS related attacks. A breach is a clear indication to stay away, at leas
Security and IT Teams No Longer Need To Pay For SaaS-Shadow IT Discovery

Security and IT Teams No Longer Need To Pay For SaaS-Shadow IT Discovery

Mar 04, 2023 SaaS Security / Cyber Security
This past January, a SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) company named Wing Security (Wing) made waves with the  launch of its free SaaS-Shadow IT discovery solution . Cloud-based companies were invited to gain insight into their employees' SaaS usage through a completely free, self-service product that operates on a "freemium" model. If a user is impressed with the solution and wants to gain more insights or take remediation action, they can purchase the enterprise solution. "In today's economic reality, security budgets have not necessarily been cut down, but buyers are far more careful in their purchasing decisions and rightfully so. We believe that you cannot secure what you do not know, so knowing should be a basic commodity. Once you understand the magnitude of your SaaS attack layer, you can make an educated decision as to how you are going to solve it. Discovery is the natural and basic first step and it should be accessible to anyone." said Ga
Eliminating SaaS Shadow IT is Now Available via a Self-Service Product, Free of Charge

Eliminating SaaS Shadow IT is Now Available via a Self-Service Product, Free of Charge

Jan 27, 2023 SaaS Security / Shadow IT
The use of software as a service (SaaS) is experiencing rapid growth and shows no signs of slowing down. Its decentralized and easy-to-use nature is beneficial for increasing employee productivity, but it also poses many security and IT challenges. Keeping track of all the SaaS applications that have been granted access to an organization's data is a difficult task. Understanding the risks that SaaS applications pose is just as important, but it can be challenging to secure what cannot be seen. Many organizations have implemented access management solutions, but these are limited in visibility to only pre-approved applications. The average medium-sized organization has hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of SaaS applications that have been adopted by employees who needed a quick and easy solution or found a free version, completely bypassing IT and security. This leads to a significant risk as many of these applications do not have the necessary security and/or compliance standard
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