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Category — WordPress
Hacked WordPress Sites Abusing Visitors' Browsers for Distributed Brute-Force Attacks

Hacked WordPress Sites Abusing Visitors' Browsers for Distributed Brute-Force Attacks

Mar 07, 2024 Vulnerability / Web Security
Threat actors are conducting brute-force attacks against WordPress sites by leveraging malicious JavaScript injections, new findings from Sucuri reveal. The attacks, which take the form of distributed brute-force attacks, "target WordPress websites from the browsers of completely innocent and unsuspecting site visitors," security researcher Denis Sinegubko  said . The activity is part of a  previously documented attack wave  in which compromised WordPress sites were used to inject crypto drainers such as Angel Drainer directly or redirect site visitors to Web3 phishing sites containing drainer malware. The latest iteration is notable for the fact that the injections – found on  over 700 sites  to date – don't load a drainer but rather use a list of common and leaked passwords to brute-force other WordPress sites. The attack unfolds over five stages, enabling a threat actor to take advantage of already compromised websites to launch distributed brute-force attacks against other po
WordPress LiteSpeed Plugin Vulnerability Puts 5 Million Sites at Risk

WordPress LiteSpeed Plugin Vulnerability Puts 5 Million Sites at Risk

Feb 27, 2024 Vulnerability / Website Security
A security vulnerability has been disclosed in the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for WordPress that could enable unauthenticated users to escalate their privileges. Tracked as  CVE-2023-40000 , the vulnerability was addressed in October 2023 in version "This plugin suffers from unauthenticated site-wide stored [cross-site scripting] vulnerability and could allow any unauthenticated user from stealing sensitive information to, in this case, privilege escalation on the WordPress site by performing a single HTTP request," Patchstack researcher Rafie Muhammad  said . LiteSpeed Cache , which is used to improve site performance, has more than five million installations. The latest version of the plugin is 6.1, which was released on February 5, 2024. The WordPress security company said CVE-2023-40000 is the result of a lack of user input sanitization and  escaping output . The vulnerability is rooted in a function named update_cdn_status() and can be reproduced in a default
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
WordPress Plugin Alert - Critical SQLi Vulnerability Threatens 200K+ Websites

WordPress Plugin Alert - Critical SQLi Vulnerability Threatens 200K+ Websites

Feb 27, 2024 Website Security / Cryptojacking
A critical security flaw has been disclosed in a popular WordPress plugin called  Ultimate Member  that has more than 200,000 active installations. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-1071, carries a CVSS score of 9.8 out of a maximum of 10. Security researcher Christiaan Swiers has been credited with discovering and reporting the flaw. In an advisory published last week, WordPress security company Wordfence  said  the plugin is "vulnerable to SQL Injection via the 'sorting' parameter in versions 2.1.3 to 2.8.2 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query." As a result, unauthenticated attackers could take advantage of the flaw to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries and extract sensitive data from the database. It's worth noting that the issue only affects users who have checked the "Enable custom table for usermeta" option in the plugin settings.
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The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

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WordPress Bricks Theme Under Active Attack: Critical Flaw Impacts 25,000+ Sites

WordPress Bricks Theme Under Active Attack: Critical Flaw Impacts 25,000+ Sites

Feb 20, 2024 Website Security / PHP Code
A critical security flaw in the Bricks theme for WordPress is being actively exploited by threat actors to run arbitrary PHP code on susceptible installations. The flaw, tracked as CVE-2024-25600 (CVSS score: 9.8), enables unauthenticated attackers to achieve remote code execution. It impacts all versions of the Bricks up to and including 1.9.6. It has been addressed by the theme developers in  version  released on February 13, 2024, merely days after WordPress security provider Snicco reported the flaw on February 10. While a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit has not been released, technical details have been  released  by both Snicco and Patchstack, noting that the underlying vulnerable code exists in the prepare_query_vars_from_settings() function. Specifically, it concerns the use of security tokens called "nonces" for verifying permissions, which can then be used to pass arbitrary commands for execution, effectively allowing a threat actor to seize control of a
Russian Turla Hackers Target Polish NGOs with New TinyTurla-NG Backdoor

Russian Turla Hackers Target Polish NGOs with New TinyTurla-NG Backdoor

Feb 15, 2024 Malware / Cyber Espionage
The Russia-linked threat actor known as Turla has been observed using a new backdoor called  TinyTurla-NG  as part of a three-month-long campaign targeting Polish non-governmental organizations in December 2023. "TinyTurla-NG, just like TinyTurla, is a small 'last chance' backdoor that is left behind to be used when all other unauthorized access/backdoor mechanisms have failed or been detected on the infected systems," Cisco Talos  said  in a technical report published today. TinyTurla-NG is so named for exhibiting similarities with TinyTurla, another implant used by the adversarial collective in intrusions aimed at the U.S., Germany, and Afghanistan since at least 2020. TinyTurla was  first documented  by the cybersecurity company in September 2021. Turla, also known by the names Iron Hunter, Pensive Ursa, Secret Blizzard (formerly Krypton), Snake, Uroburos, and Venomous Bear, is a Russian state-affiliated threat actor linked to the Federal Security Service (FSB
VexTrio: The Uber of Cybercrime - Brokering Malware for 60+ Affiliates

VexTrio: The Uber of Cybercrime - Brokering Malware for 60+ Affiliates

Jan 23, 2024 Malware / Cyber Threat
The threat actors behind ClearFake, SocGholish, and dozens of other e-crime outfits have established partnerships with another entity known as  VexTrio  as part of a massive "criminal affiliate program," new findings from Infoblox reveal. The latest development demonstrates the "breadth of their activities and depth of their connections within the cybercrime industry," the company said , describing VexTrio as the "single largest malicious traffic broker described in security literature." VexTrio, which is believed to be have been active since at least 2017, has been attributed to  malicious campaigns  that use domains generated by a dictionary domain generation algorithm ( DDGA ) to propagate scams, riskware, spyware, adware, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), and pornographic content. This includes a 2022 activity cluster that  distributed the Glupteba malware  following an earlier attempt by Google to take down a significant chunk of its infrastru
Balada Injector Infects Over 7,100 WordPress Sites Using Plugin Vulnerability

Balada Injector Infects Over 7,100 WordPress Sites Using Plugin Vulnerability

Jan 15, 2024 Website Security / Vulnerability
Thousands of WordPress sites using a vulnerable version of the Popup Builder plugin have been compromised with a malware called  Balada Injector . First  documented  by Doctor Web in January 2023, the campaign takes place in a series of periodic attack waves, weaponizing security flaws in WordPress plugins to inject backdoor designed to redirect visitors of infected sites to bogus tech support pages, fraudulent lottery wins, and push notification scams. Subsequent  findings  unearthed by Sucuri have revealed the  massive scale of the operation , which is said to have been active since 2017 and infiltrated no less than 1 million sites since then. The GoDaddy-owned website security company, which  detected  the latest Balada Injector activity on December 13, 2023, said it identified the injections on  over 7,100 sites . These attacks take advantage of a high-severity flaw in Popup Builder ( CVE-2023-6000 , CVSS score: 8.8) – a plugin with  more than 200,000 active installs  – that
WordPress Releases Update 6.4.2 to Address Critical Remote Attack Vulnerability

WordPress Releases Update 6.4.2 to Address Critical Remote Attack Vulnerability

Dec 08, 2023 Vulnerability / Website Security
WordPress has released version 6.4.2 with a patch for a critical security flaw that could be exploited by threat actors by combining it with another bug to execute arbitrary PHP code on vulnerable sites. "A remote code execution vulnerability that is not directly exploitable in core; however, the security team feels that there is a potential for high severity when combined with some plugins, especially in multisite installations," WordPress  said . According to WordPress security company Wordfence, the  issue  is rooted in the WP_HTML_Token class that was introduced in version 6.4 to improve HTML parsing in the block editor. A threat actor with the ability to exploit a PHP object injection vulnerability present in any other plugin or theme to chain the two issues to execute arbitrary code and seize control of the targeted site. "If a  POP [property-oriented programming] chain  is present via an additional plugin or theme installed on the target system, it could all
NetSupport RAT Infections on the Rise - Targeting Government and Business Sectors

NetSupport RAT Infections on the Rise - Targeting Government and Business Sectors

Nov 20, 2023 Malware / Network Security
Threat actors are targeting the education, government and business services sectors with a remote access trojan called  NetSupport RAT . "The delivery mechanisms for the NetSupport RAT encompass fraudulent updates, drive-by downloads, utilization of malware loaders (such as  GHOSTPULSE ), and various forms of phishing campaigns," VMware Carbon Black researchers said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The cybersecurity firm said it detected no less than 15 new infections related to NetSupport RAT in the last few weeks.  While NetSupport Manager started off as a  legitimate remote administration tool  for technical assistance and support, malicious actors have misappropriated the tool to their own advantage, using it as a beachhead for subsequent attacks. NetSupport RAT is typically downloaded onto a victim's computer via deceptive websites and fake browser updates. In August 2022, Sucuri  detailed  a campaign in which compromised WordPress sites were being us
Beware: Malicious Google Ads Trick WinSCP Users into Installing Malware

Beware: Malicious Google Ads Trick WinSCP Users into Installing Malware

Nov 17, 2023 Malvertising / Malware
Threat actors are leveraging manipulated search results and bogus Google ads that trick users who are looking to download legitimate software such as WinSCP into installing malware instead. Cybersecurity company Securonix is tracking the ongoing activity under the name  SEO#LURKER . "The malicious advertisement directs the user to a compromised WordPress website gameeweb[.]com, which redirects the user to an attacker-controlled phishing site," security researchers Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck, and Oleg Kolesnikov  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. The threat actors are believed to leverage Google's Dynamic Search Ads ( DSAs ), which automatically generates ads based on a site's content to serve the malicious ads that take the victims to the infected site. The ultimate goal of the complex multi-stage attack chain is to entice users into clicking on the fake, lookalike WinSCP website, winccp[.]net, and download the malware. "Traffic from the gaweeweb[.]com website to the fake
Binance's Smart Chain Exploited in New 'EtherHiding' Malware Campaign

Binance's Smart Chain Exploited in New 'EtherHiding' Malware Campaign

Oct 16, 2023 Blockchain / Malware
Threat actors have been observed serving malicious code by utilizing Binance's Smart Chain (BSC) contracts in what has been described as the "next level of bulletproof hosting." The campaign, detected two months ago, has been codenamed  EtherHiding  by Guardio Labs. The novel twist marks the latest iteration in an ongoing malware campaign that leverages compromised WordPress sites to serve unsuspecting visitors a fake warning to update their browsers before the sites can be accessed, ultimately leading to the deployment of information stealer malware such as Amadey, Lumma, or RedLine. "While their initial method of hosting code on abused Cloudflare Worker hosts was taken down, they've quickly pivoted to take advantage of the decentralized, anonymous, and public nature of blockchain," security researchers Nati Tal and Oleg Zaytsev  said . "This campaign is up and harder than ever to detect and take down." It's no surprise that threat act
Researchers Uncover Malware Posing as WordPress Caching Plugin

Researchers Uncover Malware Posing as WordPress Caching Plugin

Oct 12, 2023 Website Security / WordPress
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a new sophisticated strain of malware that masquerades as a WordPress plugin to stealthily create administrator accounts and remotely control a compromised site. "Complete with a professional looking opening comment implying it is a caching plugin, this rogue code contains numerous functions, adds filters to prevent itself from being included in the list of activated plugins, and has pinging functionality that allows a malicious actor to check if the script is still operational, as well as file modification capabilities," Wordfence  said . The plugin also offers the ability to activate and deactivate arbitrary plugins on the site remotely as well as create rogue admin accounts with the username superadmin and a hard-coded password. In what's seen as an attempt to erase traces of compromise, it features a function named "_pln_cmd_hide" that's designed to remove the superadmin account when it's no longer req
Over 17,000 WordPress Sites Compromised by Balada Injector in September 2023

Over 17,000 WordPress Sites Compromised by Balada Injector in September 2023

Oct 11, 2023 Website Security / Hacking
More than 17,000 WordPress websites have been compromised in the month of September 2023 with a malware known as  Balada Injector , nearly twice the number of detections in August. Of these, 9,000 of the websites are said to have been infiltrated using a recently disclosed security flaw in the tagDiv Composer plugin ( CVE-2023-3169 , CVSS score: 6.1) that could be  exploited  by unauthenticated users to perform stored cross-site scripting ( XSS ) attacks. "This is not the first time that the Balada Injector gang has targeted vulnerabilities in tagDiv's premium themes," Sucuri security researcher Denis Sinegubko  said . "One of the earliest massive malware injections that we could attribute to this campaign took place during the summer of 2017, where disclosed security bugs in Newspaper and Newsmag WordPress themes were actively abused." Balada Injector is a large-scale operation  first discovered  by Doctor Web in December 2022, wherein the threat actors e
Multiple Flaws Found in Ninja Forms Plugin Leave 800,000 Sites Vulnerable

Multiple Flaws Found in Ninja Forms Plugin Leave 800,000 Sites Vulnerable

Jul 31, 2023 Website Security / WordPress
Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the Ninja Forms plugin for WordPress that could be exploited by threat actors to escalate privileges and steal sensitive data. The flaws, tracked as CVE-2023-37979, CVE-2023-38386, and CVE-2023-38393, impact versions 3.6.25 and below, Patchstack  said  in a report last week. Ninja Forms is installed on over 800,000 sites. A brief description of each of the vulnerabilities is below - CVE-2023-37979  (CVSS score: 7.1) - A POST-based reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw that could allow any unauthenticated user to achieve privilege escalation on a target WordPress site by tricking privileged users to visit a specially crafted website. CVE-2023-38386  and  CVE-2023-38393  - Broken access control flaws in the form submissions export feature that could enable a bad actor with Subscriber and Contributor roles to export all Ninja Forms submissions on a WordPress site. Users of the plugin are recommended to update to version
Cybercriminals Exploiting WooCommerce Payments Plugin Flaw to Hijack Websites

Cybercriminals Exploiting WooCommerce Payments Plugin Flaw to Hijack Websites

Jul 18, 2023 Server Security / Vulnerability
Threat actors are actively exploiting a recently disclosed critical security flaw in the WooCommerce Payments WordPress plugin as part of a massive targeted campaign. The flaw, tracked as  CVE-2023-28121  (CVSS score: 9.8), is a case of authentication bypass that enables unauthenticated attackers to impersonate arbitrary users and perform some actions as the impersonated user, including an administrator, potentially leading to site takeover. "Large-scale attacks against the vulnerability, assigned CVE-2023-28121, began on Thursday, July 14, 2023 and continued over the weekend, peaking at 1.3 million attacks against 157,000 sites on Saturday, July 16, 2023," Wordfence security researcher Ram Gall  said  in a Monday post. Versions 4.8.0 through 5.6.1 of WooCommerce Payments are vulnerable. The plugin is installed on over 600,000 sites. Patches for the bug were released by WooCommerce back in March 2023, with WordPress issuing auto-updates to sites using affected versions o
AIOS WordPress Plugin Faces Backlash for Storing User Passwords in Plaintext

AIOS WordPress Plugin Faces Backlash for Storing User Passwords in Plaintext

Jul 14, 2023 Password Security / WordPress
All-In-One Security (AIOS), a WordPress plugin installed on over one million sites, has issued a security update after a bug introduced in version 5.1.9 of the software caused users' passwords being added to the database in plaintext format. "A malicious site administrator (i.e. a user already logged into the site as an admin) could then have read them," UpdraftPlus, the maintainers of AIOS,  said . "This would be a problem if those site administrators were to try out those passwords on other services where your users might have used the same password. If those other services' logins are not protected by two-factor authentication, this could be a risk to the affected website." The issue surfaced nearly three weeks ago when a user of the plugin  reported  the behavior, stating they were "absolutely shocked that a security plugin is making such a basic security 101 error." AIOS also noted that the updates remove the existing logged data from th
Improve Your Security WordPress Spam Protection With CleanTalk Anti-Spam

Improve Your Security WordPress Spam Protection With CleanTalk Anti-Spam

Jul 08, 2023 Website Security Tool
Every website owner or webmaster grapples with the issue of spam on their website forms. The volume of spam can be so overwhelming that finding useful information within it becomes quite challenging. What exacerbates this issue is that spam can populate your public pages, appearing in comments and reviews. You likely understand how this can damage your website's reputation, affect search results, overload your web server, and divert your focus from website development. Website owners and webmasters need a solution to this problem. When selecting an anti-spam solution, the following requirements should be taken into account: The solution must operate automatically, eliminating the need for manual spam checks. It should provide a quick and efficient method of accuracy control. It must be universal, protecting all website forms simultaneously. It should be easy and straightforward to install and set up. It should not require any extra steps from your visitors, ensuring they do
Hackers Exploiting Unpatched WordPress Plugin Flaw to Create Secret Admin Accounts

Hackers Exploiting Unpatched WordPress Plugin Flaw to Create Secret Admin Accounts

Jul 01, 2023 Website Security / Cyber Threat
As many as 200,000 WordPress websites are at risk of ongoing attacks exploiting a critical unpatched security vulnerability in the Ultimate Member plugin. The flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-3460 (CVSS score: 9.8), impacts all versions of the Ultimate Member plugin, including the latest version (2.6.6) that was released on June 29, 2023. Ultimate Member is a  popular plugin  that facilitates the creation of user-profiles and communities on WordPress sites. It also provides account management features. "This is a very serious issue: unauthenticated attackers may exploit this vulnerability to create new user accounts with administrative privileges, giving them the power to take complete control of affected sites," WordPress security firm WPScan  said  in an alert. Although details about the flaw have been withheld due to active abuse, it stems from an inadequate blocklist logic that allows attackers to alter the wp_capabilities user meta value of a new user to that of an admini
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